How to keep display in permanent unlock and full brightness state in Android

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Hi All,
Please let me know how to stop display going to lock state (lock state options:15sec, 30sec, 1m, 2m, 10m, 30m).
I also want to keep the display in permanent full brightness mode.
Please suggest

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Thanks Alan.
Thanks Tom, I have modified the code..I will check and update.
Thanks for the response.
Is it possible to tell me which source file I need to add this code mentioned in the link, As I am new to this Android, I am not much aware of the android source tree.

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most likely you want to do this as mentioned above.
anyhow, there is a way to do it in software. you can write a service that creates a wakelock:

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Hi Swamy,
If you would like to achieve 1) without having the device attached to the host:
The default for "display sleep" can be found in file frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml.
Also, add "Never" and "-1" to the screen_timeout_entries and screen_timeout_values in file packages/apps/Settings/res/values/arrays.xml. This way, "Never" will also appear as an option in the Settings GUI.
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1) Settings -> Applications -> Development -> Stay awake
2) I think this probably requires a code change.