Hi Team,
I have been working on a project which uses the Toradex Colibri IMX6ULL. I have flashed a custom Linux distro to the SOM which was built using Yocto.
For enabling SecureBoot in the SOM, I was following the document provided by NXP ->https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://community.nxp.com/pwmxy876...
Referring the above doc, I was able to create a signed u-boot binary, after which on trying to create a signed kernel image binary, I got some error.
I had followed the steps as per the document, and then on step 16, while running the script 'habUimagegen', I am getting the following error:
"Unsupported argument: Blocks in command InstallKey"
I could not understand the error or how it is coming. For the uImage input, I had taken the kernel image after doing bitbake. Is it the issue with the kernel image input?
Kindly look into the above error and advise a proper solution for it.
Thanks in Advance.
Please check the uImage.csf file if there are Unsupported argument under the "[Install Key]".
The document is quite old for old BSP and would suggest to raise a case to Toradex and referring their new references for the signing.