Flexcan configuration in linux
Hi, all!
I have an STKa6Ulx development board with a TQMa6ulx embedded system. I'm trying to start the CAN bus. The board, has two CAN interfaces. I've developed two applications to send and receive data over the CAN. If I connect CAN0 to CAN1 the data is sent and received correctly.
However, I want to communicate the embedded system with a HC12 micro controller system over the CAN. The HC12 has the follow configuration in the busCAN:
Sinc Jum: 2
T. Seg 1: 11
T. Seg 2: 4
I don't know how to establish this configuration via linux terminal. If I show the can0 configuration in terminal I get the follow data:
In the image, I see the data 'flexcan' but I don't know how to acces to that configuration.
I've connected both system, but I can't communicate each other.
Please, Could someone helps me?
Thanks, Santi.
Hi Santiago
basic flexcan tests are described on
doc\can\test - imx-test - i.MX Driver Test Application Software
Since this board is third party board, issue may be posted on vendor support portal
Best regards
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Hi, Igor.
Now I know how to configure the values of the buscan. My problem is, the values of the configuration doesn't match between two system.
If I use can-calc-bit-timming I get the follow information
It's possible to change the ref clock in buscan in linux?
I check /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary and I see the bus can is using PLL3, Can I configure other bus clock for the buscan?
Regards, Santi.
That's close enough.
For a simple CAN bus there's only one parameter that matters. That's the resulting BIT rate, in your case 250,000. The input clock divided by the prescaler gets you the "Time Quanta". The sum of the two Phase Segments, the Prop Segment plus one divide that down to get the bit rate. In your two examples they're 250ns by 16 and 266ns by 15. They add up to the same thing.
If (and only if) you're pushing the CAN bus to either its maximum possible physical length, or the maximum ability to handle inaccurate oscillators, then there are ways to "tune" those parameters to optimise for distance (with a large propagation segment to handle the delays), or large PS1 and PS2 (so you can get a large SJW) so it can lock onto clocks up to 1% away from what it is meant to be.
Some manufacturers (GM) specify a recommended "Sample Point", which is where the point between the two phase segments should appear as a percentage of the bit width. That's the "sweet spot" that they know gives the best result for them.
Nobody I know of uses the "triple sampling" feature.
Hi Santi
one can look at basic can tests description on
Best regards