I am trying to have a secure boot chain which will have the rootfs decryption integrated. The board would boot up to the initramfs, where I would like to decrypt the rootfs and mount it.The following requirement is to be fulfilled:
- the rootfs partition should be encrypted on the host machine in Yocto
I am not sure how to proceed with this. I have found the following two documents which describe how to create an encrypted storage by using the CAAM module:
- AN12554 (https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12554.pdf)
- AN12714 (https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12714.pdf)
As I can see, the latter document is newer (from February 2020) but seems like a device is encrypted on the target, which is not what I want. The former document is from August 2019 and seems to support the device encryption on the host and its decryption on the target.
Could someone assist me on how I should proceed on this?
Thanks Yuri.
We do not have example for Your situation.
You may use the recent NXP Linux BSP (L5.4.47). Look at section 9.5 (Disk
encryption acceleration) of "IMX_LINUX_USERS_GUIDE.pdf".