Enabling telephony/RIL on the iMX8M Android 10 build.

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Enabling telephony/RIL on the iMX8M Android 10 build.

1,642 次查看
Contributor III

I'm following the Quectel instructions on how to integrate the RIL for the EM12-G.

I've already had to go beyond their instructions.  I fixed the error:

02-10 01:49:17.368 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 4962): QuectelCheckAndroidFrameworkSettingCallback
02-10 01:49:17.368 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 4962): [ro.radio.noril]: [yes]
02-10 01:49:17.368 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 4962): Quectel Check:  ro.radio.ril must be no, check files /*.prop or /system/*/prop

by commenting out the line:

"ro.radio.noril=yes" in device/fsl/imx8m/ProductConfigCommon.mk.

I had expected this change to fix the Android UI, to show a signal strength meter and a new page in Settings.

The change did fix the RIL error message:

02-10 03:29:39.133 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 3488): QuectelCheckAndroidFrameworkSettingCallback
02-10 03:29:39.134 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL RILC( 3488): [ro.radio.noril]: [no]

but it did not fix the UI.

What other changes do I need to make to the iMX8M Android 10 build, to make it into a phone with a RIL, rather than a tablet?

P.S. A very bare-bones telephone app existed before I started the RIL integration.  It's the lack of signal strength and the missing Settings page which concern me.

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1,613 次查看
Contributor III

Please ignore this reply, I am unable to delete it.

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1,624 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee



Please accept my apologies, but this is not supported in our BSP. Please contact your module provider for this request.




1,611 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your help.  We will contact our iMX8M module provider.

How does NXP's Android 10 build differ from AOSP and how does this stop Android from working as a phone with RIL integration?



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