I am trying to configure FTM0 on a i.MX8X, but I am finding tricky to find examples for the Linux device tree. This is what we have at the moment:
/* Rotary Encoder FTM */
pinctrl_ftm: ftmgrp {
fsl,pins = <
/ {
/* ... */
/* Rotary Encoder */
counter0: ftm0@5a8a0000 {
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <2>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_ftm>;
compatible = "fsl,ftm-quaddec";
reg = <0x0 0x5a8a0000 0x0 0x10000>;
status = "okay";
We can see the driver loading but when turning our rotary button, count remains the same (that under /sys/...)
I also attempted to define a clock for that (not sure if I have to). This is the definitions with a clock:
/* based UART2 */
&dma_subsys {
ftm0_lpcg: clock-controller@5aca0000 {
compatible = "fsl,imx8qxp-lpcg";
reg = <0x5aca0000 0x10000>;
#clock-cells = <1>;
clocks = <&clk IMX_SC_R_FTM_0 IMX_SC_PM_CLK_PER>, <&dma_ipg_clk>;
bit-offset = <0 16>;
clock-output-names = "ftm0_lpcg_clk", "ftm0_lpcg_ipg_clk";
power-domains = <&pd IMX_SC_R_FTM_0>;
/ {
/* Rotary Encoder */
counter0: ftm0@5a8a0000 {
#address-cells = <2>;
#size-cells = <2>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_ftm>;
clocks = <&ftm0_lpcg 1>, <&ftm0_lpcg 0>;
clock-names = "ipg", "ftm0";
assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX_SC_R_FTM_0 IMX_SC_PM_CLK_PER>;
assigned-clock-rates = <160000000>;
compatible = "fsl,ftm-quaddec";
reg = <0x0 0x5a8a0000 0x0 0x10000>;
status = "okay";
The result is the same (count is always 0). This is what I have on Linux:
oot@imx8qxp-d7:/sys/bus/platform/devices/5a8a0000.ftm0# find
So what I am looking for is some guidance how to make FTM0 to work or, at least, have a list of what I have to do in order to make it work on Linux.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Since could not use the quadrature decoder phase A and B with imx8qxp, we reconfigured channels 0 and 1 to be GPIOs and we are using the generic rotary-encoder driver.
Since could not use the quadrature decoder phase A and B with imx8qxp, we reconfigured channels 0 and 1 to be GPIOs and we are using the generic rotary-encoder driver.
PS. @Sanket_Parekh
Looking at i.MX 8DualX/8DualXPlus/8QuadXPlus Applications Processor Reference Manual, Rev. 0, 05/2020
"Table 16-81 shows the user-accessible signals for the FTM."
I see descriptions of FTM channels CHn (7-0) plus PHA and PHB for the Quadrature Decoder.
However, the following table only has CH0-2, not PHA and PHB?
p654 Table 9-1. Pin Assignments
p7198 FTM
"Quadrature decoder cannot be used since phase A and B inputs are not available"
Does this mean that after all, for the imx8qxp, the Quadrature decoder (and ftm-quaddec.c) cannot actually be used, because phase A and B inputs cannot actually be pinmuxed to anything? And there is no connection at all between CH0/CH1 and PHA/PHB?
Is there a summary table anywhere showing which i.MX 8 SOCs do/do not support Quadrature decoder please?
Thank you
-- Peter
Thank you for the references:
Our board has a rotary encoder on the pins:
I've searched google for "IMX8QXP_UART2_RX_ADMA_FTM_CH0" (and separately also "fsl,ftm-quaddec") and this thread seems to be the only example on the internet of anyone trying to use the ftm-quaddec from linux?
To use a rotary encoder with an imx8qxp from linux, is the best way to add a "fsl,ftm-quaddec" node to the device tree?
You also mentioned "fsl,ftm-timer"?
How does that relate to the quaddec please?
Do we need to add both the quaddec and the timer to the device tree, or just the quaddec?
The two devicetree binding files don't seem to mention a connection?
If we do need to add the timer too, that depends on clocks.
But those clocks don't seem to be defined in any of the existing examples in arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale either?
If needed, where can we learn how to define those clocks please?
Thank you
-- Peter