Let me confirm deafult condition of SCU_WDOG_OUT pin.
Datasheet mentioned SCU_WDOG_OUT pin is configured WDOG_OUT function and 50k PullDown.
But, reference manual mentioned SCU_WDOG_OUT pin is configured JTAG_TRST function and bus-keeper.
Which information is correct?
From IMX8DXAEC Rev. 2, 11/2019
From IMX8DQXPRM Rev. E, 06/2019
Best Regards,
Kazuma Sasaki.
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I got suggestion as below:
JTAG_TRST_B function was removed, it was replaced as SCU_WDOG_OUT. Do not pull-up this pin to SCU_1V8. Suggest add one pull-down resistor on this pin.