Debug board not getting detected in MFG tool

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Debug board not getting detected in MFG tool

Contributor I

I am totally new in using this tool, Please let me know what i should be checking for this issue. In Device manager i can see the ports visible as "USB serial port"

Logs below 

ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CMyExceptionHandler thread is running
ModuleID[2] LevelID[1]: new MxHidDeviceClass
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: Device Manager thread is running
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CCmdOpreation[0] thread is Closed
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CCmdOpreation[0] thread is Closed
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: DeviceManager::OnMsgDeviceEvent() - EVENT_KILL
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CMyExceptionHandler::OnMsgExceptionEvent() - KillExceptionHandlerThread
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: Exception Handler thread is closed
ModuleID[2] LevelID[1]: delete MxHidDeviceClass
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: Device Manager thread is closed

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