I am working on i.MX6 Quad. I want to set vbus on/off through libusb, but it seems that chipidea driver doesn't allow this because it check for CI_HDRC_TURN_VBUS_EARLY_ON in host_start function so the priv->reg_vbus is always NULL
priv->reg_vbus = NULL;
if (ci->platdata->reg_vbus && !ci_otg_is_fsm_mode(ci)) {
if (ci->platdata->flags & CI_HDRC_TURN_VBUS_EARLY_ON) {
ret = regulator_enable(ci->platdata->reg_vbus);
if (ret) {
"Failed to enable vbus regulator, ret=%d\n",ret);
goto put_hcd;
} else {
priv->reg_vbus = ci->platdata->reg_vbus;
because priv->reg_vbus = NULL the following condition is not satisfied in ehci_ci_portpower function:
if (priv->reg_vbus && enable != priv->enabled)
So the regulator_enable(priv->reg_vbus)/regulator_disable(priv->reg_vbus) are not called.
The question is: it is safe to do always priv->reg_vbus =ci->platdata->reg_vbus in host_start ?
if (ci->platdata->reg_vbus && !ci_otg_is_fsm_mode(ci)) {
if (ci->platdata->flags & CI_HDRC_TURN_VBUS_EARLY_ON) {
priv->reg_vbus = ci->platdata->reg_vbus;
ret = regulator_enable(ci->platdata->reg_vbus);
if (ret) {
"Failed to enable vbus regulator, ret=%d\n",ret);
goto put_hcd;
So the condition if (priv->reg_vbus && enable != priv->enabled) in ehci_ci_portpower is true and regulator_disable/regulator_enable can be called.
Best Regards
The purpose is to disable Vbus in case of over-current from user space or is it already managed in the driver?
Mohamed Ali
You can refer to this https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors/Disable-USB-VBUS-power-supply/m-p/884711