Hello all,
I am having difficulties building/configuring U-boot-2009.08 ( which is what comes with the i.MX28 EVK BSP I am using) to boot completely from NAND Flash instead of MMC/SD ( the default ).
Has anyone succeeded in doing this?
If so, what files need to be modified?
FYI: It got as far as initial boot, NAND type recognition, and then it gets caught in an infinite loop where it just prints out "#######################################...." forever.
So I know it is partly working, but I must be missing something more subtle than just modifying a few defines in mx28_evk.h.
When you booting linux from Nand flash, you have insert a SD .
You'd better build your linux.sb by your own configure.
Hello Mariano,
FYI: I also am participating in the other discussion regarding NAND boot started by Memhet.
He and I are coincidentially trying the same thing ( booting from NAND without U-Boot ).
I have been trying to get the kernel to recognize where the rootfs is on the NAND flash's second partition as documented in section 5.1.
I am using a rootfs.jffs2 format type and have tried every which way to modify the non-key command line to make this work with no success so far.
Have you gotten this to work????
If so, could you relay the steps you did as well as what type of NAND Flash and BSP version you are on?
I will attach the NAND Flash data sheet for reference that I have on the EVK.
My BSP version is L2.6.35_10.12.01
Are you pressing KEY1 during booting (otherwise by default the boot stream file will point it to load filesystem from MMC card)?
You could modify the boot streams so that the default is boot from MMC (so you don't have to press KEY1 while booting). You'd have to change these in LTIB (see section of the i.MX28_Linux_BSP_UG.pdf) and burn those into NAND per instructions in section Make sure S2 switches are setup correctly.
Might help if you post what changes you made to LTIB and the board itself.