I am working with the iMX8 Nano Evaluation board and am looking at enabling the RPMsg service in the Android OS available in the Linux kernel modules. I have searched and found an article(https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-Processors-Knowledge-Base/Using-Cortex-M4-SDK-to-communicate-with-...) Can I follow a similar procedure?
If not, will yocto help in building this?
Can someone provide me with easy approach to start yocto for the board?
Hey Zhiming,
While working using he above method I get the attached error.
The steps I followed:
1. I edited the BoardConfig.mk located in the corresponding directory and added the following lines
#RPMsg Config
2. I used the following commands to build kernel and bootimage.
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ lunch evk_8mn-userdebug
$ ./imx-make.sh kernel -c -j4
source build/envsetup.sh
$ lunch evk_8mm-userdebug
$ ./imx-make.sh bootimage -j4
3. I used the command as described in the image below and encounter this error
Any help with this error and how to solve it would be appreciated.
Hi anurag16doshi,
Yes, you can try .The process is similar.
Best Regards,