Good mornig,
I'm working on iMX7D sabreboard and doing some tests about Linux and Android.
Please, I would need some explanation about BSP package and multimedia codecs
In some documents on NXP Community I found:
In other document I found:
What I have to install?
If I install all, might have software conflicts?
The codecs version is dependent from kernel version?
Thanks a lot
Best Regards
Hello Elabbing,
There are two main BSP types, the BSP Releases whose documentation can be found on the following link:
And the Community BSP, whose documentation you can find on the link below:
There are also the Android BSPs:
I would recommend that you chose whichever BSP release suits your needs and use the documentation for it as reference of the libraries used. The libraries are mostly Kernel dependent to some extent. You may experiment using libraries from one BSP release on another Kernel but you would need to review dependencies and such.
I hope this information helps!