AndyCapon 已赢得 20 个徽章!
28 Days Later08-29-2020赢取者 54,333Thank you! You have been active for one month
4Ever08-29-2020赢取者 16,953We really value your loyalty! You have been active for 4 years
Anniversary08-29-2020赢取者 37,464Happy anniversary! You have been active for one year
Conversation starter03-03-2021赢取者 7,253A great conversation starts with a great topic. You've created 5 topics
Expert05-29-2021赢取者 1,745You're on a different level! You have posted 50 replies
Full commitment08-29-2020赢取者 28,609Your commitment to the community is outstanding! You have been active for 2 years
Giver03-03-2021赢取者 10,951You gave kudos to a user
Good job03-04-2021赢取者 9,195Your first Kudo, well done!
Hot Topic03-07-2021赢取者 3,498Start the fire! You've created 10 topics
Icebreaker03-03-2021赢取者 32,316You have posted a reply
Lucky seven08-29-2020赢取者 7,534Seven wonderful years! You have been active for 7 years
Lustrum08-29-2020赢取者 13,096Time flies! You have been active for 5 years
Member of honor08-29-2020赢取者 5,545You're an honorable member of the NXP Community! You have been active for 8 years
Responsive03-03-2021赢取者 11,310Thanks for your participation! You have posted 5 replies
Rise your hand03-03-2021赢取者 35,583You have created a topic
Roll a 608-29-2020赢取者 10,063Thanks for using the NXP Community! You have been active for 6 years
Smart03-03-2021赢取者 3,135You always have something to say! You have posted 25 replies
Sociable03-03-2021赢取者 6,616You truly know how to engage a conversation. You have posted 10 replies
Trilogy08-29-2020赢取者 21,865Never 2 without 3! You have been active for 3 years
Welcome08-29-2020赢取者 64,867Welcome! Your account has been active for 24 hours