we plan to use RW612 module( ublox iris-w106) as a wifi/ble usb dongle to connect to our imx.6 system,
Do you have a general procedure of how to implement this, I found mwifiex driver, also nxp ncp example, but still not clear of how should I proceed.
Thanks for your help!
Hello Weidong,
Thanks for looking into this!
I didn't found NCP_device on SDK or NXP website can you help me with it?
The reason I ask because I want to figure out, after NCP host connect with a NCP device, will I get a regular connect as in Linux as "wlan0".
Dear @leeeqm ,
I checked SDK2.16, ncp device is supported, see below, please!
Not yet, cause for the ncp_device it requires IAR, mcuxpresso seems can't directly import the project, while on the ncp_host side, my local build got a lot error with a docker image use clang.
Looking into the um12095, the ncp application mostly provide a cli interface between mpu and RW612, that still not what we need, we need a interface like "eth0" (in this case wlan0), after that we can open socket to set up communication.
Did you get any confirmation from internal?
Dear @leeeqm ,
I got feedback from internal team.
As per our internal discussion with team, RW612 supports NCP parallel Wi-Fi/BLE/OT over single interface, but there is not existing host example to demonstrate it.
So if you want to design USB dongle, please consider my previous recommendations!
Hi Weidong,
Thanks for you effort on this.
To follow your previous suggestion, two choices, IW620 or 88w8801, the 88w8801 was wifi4, so I think IW620 will be the one, but looking at the block diagram seems no usb interface on it.
Also I didn't found a datasheet and linux driver for IW620, does this need a NDA in place? if so who should I contact to, we located in Vancouver BC.
Dear @leeeqm ,
See the link, please!
Driver is from the link: (NEED ACCESS RIGHTS: NDA + approval)
It means that the USB IW620 has been applied on i.MX8 platform.
Dear @leeeqm ,
I have not got feedback from internal team.
I will arrange time to test it ( WiFi+BLE --->USB-->i.MX evk USB) simultaneously.
But I need some time, Some tasks are queued up on my end.
Dear @leeeqm ,
RW612 belongs to "Wireless Microcontroller Hostless Products" serials, your design is to want it to be a USB Wi-Fi dongle and works on i.MX6 platform, so it will work as a Linux USB device. RW612 can NOT be used like this.
See Wi-Fi product list below, please!
For you design , you have 2 options: IW620 & 88W8801.
Above link is :
Thanks for the answer.
looking at the RW612 knowledge hub.
UM12095 and UM12133 both talking about use RW612 with a Host, I also tried with the mcuXpresso, load the example wifi cli program, just haven't found the NCP example yet.
One thing I notice if erase the application mcu firmware, my imx6 can detect the RW612 as a usb device vendor as NXP.
Dear @leeeqm ,
Thanks for your reminder!
Yes, from these 2 User's Manual, RW612 can work with Host when using it's NCP mode.
I read UM12095 carefully, the NCP application is divided into 2 parts:
-- Configurations on Host side.(NCP HOST Side)
-- Configurations on RW612 side(NCP Device Side)
According to steps and operations in the UM, we should have one thing to confirm if Wi-Fi, BLE & Thread can use the USB interface at the same time if product is designed as USB dongle.
So I need some time to confirm it internally.