I need to use SWD for In-system programming. For that case, I found the ISP Access Port in the KW45 Reference Manual (Revision 8). However, there is no documentation for the ISP-AP handling. Only the handling for ISP in combination with LPUART, LPI2C, LPSPI and CAN is documented (Chapter 16.7 - 16.10).
Is there available documentation about how to communicate with the ISP-AP?
Best regards,
Hello Andreas,
Hope you are doing well. You can find more information about the ROM ISP and ROM API on the Security Reference Manual.
This file is under Secure Files. Secure Access Rights | NXP Semiconductors
Could you please follow the process?
Also, I would recommend checking the Secure Access Rights FAQs | NXP Semiconductors
Hello Ricardo,
On this site we can only find an Application Note (AN14247) and no Security Reference Manual:
Should we look for these secure files on another page or do we need to update our Secure Access Rights?
Thanks and best regards,
Hi Andreas,
This file is under Secure Files. Secure Access Rights | NXP Semiconductors
Could you please follow the process to request higher secure access?