We are trying to change a ZigBee 3.0 network's "NETWORK KEY" and "LINK KEY", by using ZGWUI tool in jn-an-1216. We flashed "ZigbeeNodeControlBridge_JN5179_COORDINATOR_115200.bin" to Carrier board + Generic Expansion board (DR1199) + JN5179 module. Then running ZGWUI, Set CMSK, Set EPID, Set Security & Key, and Start Network. Another set of Carrier board + LL/Sensor board (DR1175) + JN5179 module is flashed with "DimmableLight_JN5179_DR1175.bin". Join the network, and can be controlled by selecting "On/Off Cluster".
Now we are trying to change network's "NETWORK KEY" and "LINK KEY", by selecting Set Security & Key in ZGWUI. The status is ok, but we wonder if it really works? We tried several combinations to the parameters, but seems in vain. The light can still be on/off in all cases we tried.
The command's parameters are itselfs ambiguous. The 1st parameter combo box has 5 selections for either NETWORK KEY and LINK KEY. The 2nd one seems to be a length, and the 3rd one should be the KEY.
We check the project code, and found the parameter is further changed.
Tried to dig further into ZPS_vAplSecSetInitialSecurityState(), but found only function names in .h. No function body of .c. Only to found possible related part of program, still no comment,
We checked JN-AN-1216 App Note for Serial protocol, and JN-UG-3113 for ZigBee Security, but still cannot figure out how to change Network Security of an existing network using ZGWUI? What is the correct procedure?
Please help.
Hi Benjamin,
Do you change the ZPS Configuration Editor?
Security is enabled on a node via the device parameter Security Enabled in the ZPS Configuration Editor. Enabling security also enables many-to-one routing towards the Trust Centre, which becomes a network concentrator.
Did you capture the frame using a sniffer?
Best Regards,
Hi Mario,
Thanks for the information.
Below is my update, security is still there. Any comment?
After Security Enabled to false, clean project, build, program with erase PDM
>Sniffer, still shows security: true
Add more finding in the code,
And more, changed setting of "Security Enabled" property, clean and rebuild the whole project, but to found there is not any changes found.
"pdum_gen.c/h" & "zps_gen.c/h" are all the same as before and after. Maybe it is just an unused or discard option.
Your comment?