Handling IAS zone devices with jn5168 control bridge

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Handling IAS zone devices with jn5168 control bridge

Contributor I


I am beginner in using Zigbee Cluster library. I am using jn5168 based control bridge + JN-AN 1222 IoT gateway (cross compiled for my linux machine). 

Running the test application in JN-AN 1222 I was able to pair the IAS zone devices (Emergency Button, Door Sensor, Water Leak Sensor, Motion Sensor etc. provided by HEIMAN). 

However after pairing, only the data from Emergency button reaches the Serial link of the control bridge software.

1. The Door sensor, Water leak sensor , etc. gets added to the co-ordinator but no data is received on the serial link after triggering. Am I missing something here?

2. Is there any sample code which shows handling of IAS zone devices on the Host gateway?

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9 Replies

Contributor I

In the light of reading many application notes from nxp I understood that some kind of enrolment process should take place between the coordinator and the IAS zone device.

1. Is this enrolment done by the USB-dongle? Or do I need to include it in the host gateway solution (JN-AN 1222)?

2. This is the data I get on the serial link when I press the IAS zone emergency button


0x8401 - type
13 - length
0x34 - CRC
0x00 - sequence no
0x01 - endpoint
0x05 0x00 - cluster id
0x02 - source address mode
0xee 0x55 - source address
0x01 - zone status
0x00 - extended status
0x00 - zone id
0x00 0x00 - delay: data each element

Since we are getting a zone id for the button, I guess the enrolment has already taken place. 

Please correct me if I'm wrong

3. However, for my door sensor, motion sensor and water leak sensor. No data is received on the serial link on triggering after joining them to the network. Is this something related to enrolment failure? 

Please reply as soon as possible. 

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Contributor I

Hi, I am also attaching sniffer logs while adding 2 different IAS zone devices to the control bridge

Control bridge is programmed with the firmware


1. emergency button( which works fine on triggering)

2. door sensor both products of HEIMAN 



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Contributor I


This is a gentle reminder on the issue.

I have doubts on the following points

1. Who takes care of the enrolling process the ZCL stack in the jn5168 controller bridge or the gateway application?

2. How does the enrolment work in JN5168 ?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Dijo Paulson,

1. Who takes care of the enrolling process the ZCL stack in the jn5168 controller bridge or the gateway application?

The ZCL Stack, it is part of the IAS Cluster for extra security.

2. How does the enrolment work in JN5168?

For a better reference take at look the  ZigBee Cluster Library User Guide 27.3 Enrollment

Are you facing the issue with the door lock cluster? Could you please explain your issue again?

What is the version that you are working on? 

Best Regards,


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Contributor I


I am using HEIMAN's Smart Door Sensor, Water Leak Sensor, Smart Motion Sensor,  Smart Emergency Button, Gas sensor etc.

Issue : Only the Smart emergency button gets enrolled to the control bridge properly, which can be seen from the above sniffer logs.

My understanding is that the enrolling should automatically happen from the control bridge. Or should I modify the gateway application? 

I tried with two versions of firmware. 

1. control bridge version r1012.1620

2. ZigbeeNodeControlBridge_2v0_JN5168.bin provided with JN-AN 1222. This firmware returned control bridge version as r0.0

Simple descriptor responses from HEIMAN's IAS zone devices

Emergency button 

************ ZCB_HandleSimpleDescriptorResponse(addr=0x0652, ID=0x0402)
Input clusters 1/5 -> 0x0000
Input clusters 2/5 -> 0x0003
Input clusters 3/5 -> 0x0500
Input clusters 4/5 -> 0x0001
Input clusters 5/5 -> 0x0009

Waterleak sensor

************ ZCB_HandleSimpleDescriptorResponse(addr=0x8bde, ID=0x0402)
Input clusters 1/4 -> 0x0000
Input clusters 2/4 -> 0x0001
Input clusters 3/4 -> 0x0003
Input clusters 4/4 -> 0x0500

Door sensor

************ ZCB_HandleSimpleDescriptorResponse(addr=0x41fa, ID=0x0402)
Input clusters 1/4 -> 0x0000
Input clusters 2/4 -> 0x0001
Input clusters 3/4 -> 0x0003
Input clusters 4/4 -> 0x0500

Motion sensor

************ ZCB_HandleSimpleDescriptorResponse(addr=0xff5d, ID=0x0402)
Input clusters 1/4 -> 0x0000
Input clusters 2/4 -> 0x0001
Input clusters 3/4 -> 0x0003
Input clusters 4/4 -> 0x0500

Gas sensor

************ ZCB_HandleSimpleDescriptorResponse(addr=0x3b07, ID=0x0402)
Input clusters 1/4 -> 0x0000
Input clusters 2/4 -> 0x0003
Input clusters 3/4 -> 0x0009
Input clusters 4/4 -> 0x0500

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Dijo Paulson,


My understanding is that the enrolling should automatically happen from the control bridge. Or should I modify the gateway application? 

I tried with the control bridge. Could you please provide the sniffer log file?

The control bride is waiting for the enroll commands. The Control Bride has enabled the auto-enroll but you have to Write Attribute command to the Zone device in order to write its IEEE/MAC.

27.3.2 Auto-Enroll-Response


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Contributor I

As per the 27.3.2 Auto enroll response section the following events are expected to take place

a. Service discovery

1. Is it the Match Descriptor request?  Who should send it ?

Match Descriptor Request (CIE --> zone device)

Match Descriptor Request (zone device --> CIE)

b. Write IEEE address to zone device

Who should initiate this step? 

This is my understanding 

IEEE address request (zone device --> CIE)

IEEE address response (CIE --> zone device)

c. Zone Enroll Response


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Contributor I

Please ignore the previous post it's not complete

As per the 27.3.2 Auto enroll response section the following events are expected to take place

a. Service discovery

1. Is it the Match Descriptor request?  Who should send it ?

Match Descriptor Request (CIE --> zone device)


Match Descriptor Request (zone device --> CIE)

or both should take place?

b. Write IEEE address to zone device

Who should initiate this step? 

This is my understanding 

IEEE address request (zone device --> CIE)

IEEE address response (CIE --> zone device)


c. Zone Enroll Response

This take place automatically or should I do it from the application?

For Smart Emergency button these events take automatically. I am attaching the sniffer logemg_button_pair.png

But for the door sensor these events doesn't seem to occur. Both device sends the same device type 0x0402 (IAS ZONE DEVICE)

I am attaching the log for Smart Door Sensor.

What does the Update device message indicate?

Screenshot (31).png

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Dijo Paulson,

a. Service discovery

1. Is it the Match Descriptor request?  Who should send it?

Match Descriptor Request (CIE --> zone device)

The match descriptor is not necessary, this request works as an identifier.


b. Write IEEE address to zone device

If the CIE device determines that it wants to enroll the Zone device, it sends a Write Attribute command to the Zone device in order to write its IEEE/MAC address to the relevant attribute.

 IEEE address response (CIE --> zone device)


c. Zone Enroll Response

This takes place automatically or should I do it from the application?

The application, in this case, has to do it, but remember you have to send the IEEE/MAC address to your coordinator.



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