When working on integrating OTAP client service into a BLE central device, I meet a problem for using the internal flash storage method.
I import the AN12980SW sample and follow the same setting process in the attached document including the project settings and the storage configurations. (the diagrams below are my settings.)
After clean and then build the project, the errors below show up.
How can I to deal with it?
Thank you for your help!
Hi @Lincoln,
Just to confirm, are you trying to update the Central device using OTA?
Did you follow the steps in the next community post?
Configuring and Programming OTAP Client Software in MCUXpresso IDE
Hi @mario_castaneda,
Just to confirm, are you trying to update the Central device using OTA? Yes.
Did you follow the steps in the next community post? Yes, I did.
I attached the project which I import from AN12980SW and only modify the settings I've mentioned above for internal flash configuration.
I am working with SDK version 2.6.14.
Hi @Lincoln,
I am not sure if I am following. Did you import and compile the project before any modification?
Are you following this chapter?
5.3 Creating a Temp Coll S-Record image to update the software
Hi @mario_castaneda,
I am stuck on this chapter :
5.2 Creating a Temp Coll - OTAP S - record image to update the software
After import the Temp Coll-OTAP demo in my IDE, I modify its storage configurations for internal flash storage because the default is setting to external flash storage.
Before clean and build the project, I remove the FILL and BYTE statements in end_text.ldt linker script.
The errors show up as I have mentioned above, thus S-Record file cannot be generated.
Hi @Lincoln,
The issue is expected because the program flash is using approx 270KB of memory, o it is more than 50% of the memory, and the internal storage for the new image will need a similar size.
You have 2 options.
-Reduce the code and be sure that it will not exceed the 244 KB
-Use the external memory