why i use C:\nxp\NxpNfcCockpit_v6.3.0.0\ABENDToVCOM\fw\lpc_main.bin file can read out M1's UUID,but i cannot operate type B/ISO15693/Felica card successful? why?
if i want use NXP NFC Cockpit v6.3.0.0 to operate type B/ISO15693/Felica card success,i must burn the C:\nxp\NxpNfcCockpit_v6.3.0.0\firmware\Secondary_PN5180\BootLoader_And_Nfcrdlib_SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo_Secondary.bin file to LPC1769 mcu?
Hi @andy_Musk
I did a quick check, programed BootLoader_And_Nfcrdlib_SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo_Secondary.bin into my PN5180 board with MCUXpresso IDE. From the cockpit, I can see type B is supported.
C:\nxp\NxpNfcCockpit_v6.3.0.0\ABENDToVCOM\fw\lpc_main.bin vs
the two bin files arenot same? which is the difference? what is their order?
please refer to below link for making Hex Files from binary files. but I would suggest you program bin file with MCUXpresso IDE
now i can use my pn5180 demo board to read M1 card with NXP NFC Cockpit v6.3.0.0 tool.but when i upgrade the PN5180's firmware.the NXP NFC Cockpit v6.3.0.0 tool print error log. i donot know why!!!
I would suggest you refer to AN11781 PN5180 Secure firmware update.
check the system requirements and hardware requirements.
when i open the NXP NFC Cockpit v6.3.0.0 software. the above interface will show!!!
the bin file run in LPC1769 mcu is C:\nxp\NxpNfcCockpit_v6.3.0.0\ABENDToVCOM\fw\lpc_main.bin
the bin file use in LPC1769 mcu is right?
maybe my PN5180 chip version doesnot support firmware upgrade?
From your picture, your PNEV5180 PC driver is an older version, ABEND driver. This interface has been replaced with a VCOM interface, so the ABEND driver is not required any more. Please install VCOM driver manually. user manual is AN11744 PN5180 Evaluation board quick start guide.
Please refer to AN11744 , chapter 3 and chapter 5 for more details.
after you install the correct driver, you can update BootLoader_And_Nfcrdlib_SimplifiedAPI_EMVCo_Secondary.bin file, if you need to use cockpit.