The Bluetooth host CC2642 is connected to the KW45 Bluetooth slave device. If the Bluetooth host suddenly loses power, the slave device can only be detected by 20s. If the time is too long, can you modify the Bluetooth connection timeout time.
Could you please clarify what SDK version are you using? What SDK example are you using as a base? Is this behavior present when trying with our EVK? Have you tried the example without modifications?
Best Regards,
SDK version :V2.12.0, SDK example : digital_key_car_anchor
Our EVK development board failed to download the MCU-Link download program, prompting that the core could not be connected. I am not sure whether it is because I moved some jumpers on the board, resulting in the wrong link. Could you please send the default jumper configuration of EVK? I have not changed the program involving Bluetooth connection protocol connection, but added some applications of peripherals such as flexcan lpspi.
Could you please help us confirm if the timeout behavior is happening when using the example without modifications?
For the default configuration, please help me checking the KW45B41Z-EVK Board User Manual (section 1.9)
Best Regards,
I used the EVK development board to download the DEMO program, but the connection Bluetooth prompt pairing, I use the mobile phone to click the pairing prompt failed. Please tell me how I should operate this pairing in order to succeed. And what if I cancel the pairing first?
DEMO: kw45b41zevk_lowpower_peripheral_freertos
As you are using the Low-power peripheral, please help me checking the "KW45_K32W1_Low_Power_Connectivity_Refernce_Design_User_guide.pdf" (Path: SDK_KW45B41Z-EVK.zip\docs\wireless\Common).
Hope this helps!