Hi, there
Hardware: JN5169
Software: JN-AN-1189-ZigBee-HA-Demo.DimmableLight
Modification: I added one software timer in the task, which can output how many seconds passed every second.
Expect: this project can work normally.
Result: The system reset after 37 days.
Question: How long can the system work? How to confirm the reset reason or boot up reason?
Thanks so much!!!
Hi @YeelongWong,
It seems that you are running out of memory.
Could you please provide more information about the Zigbee network that you have? How many routers and end devices do you have?
Are you removing some devices?
Hello, Mario
The Dimmable light is connected to one ZigBee Gateway whose software is JN-SW-4168.
Only one to one.
The Gateway will broadcast the light value every 30 seconds.
If it was lack of memory, is there any flag to show the memory usage?
Or, can I print any dump information for this situation?
Tks a lot!!
Hi @YeelongWong,
Please look at the StackMeasure.c file that could help you with this.
Also, we have to be sure if the routing tables are filling up. please look at the file appZpsExtendedDebug.c. This will provide the functions to track the size of your tables.
Hi, Mario
Sorry for late reply.
Both StackMeasure.c and appZpsExtendedDebug.c seem to be used by IoT gateway (JN-SW-4168).
Now the IoT gateway is good, but the node(JN-AN-1189 Dimmable Light) will reset.
Do you have any debug functions for the Light node, please?
Tks so much!!!
Hi @YeelongWong,
You could use the same c file to debugging the dimmable light.
You have to add the file in the Makefile.