IOTZTB-DK006 using the JN5189T read/write issues

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IOTZTB-DK006 using the JN5189T read/write issues

4,683 次查看
Contributor II


I am tring to setup the IOTZTB-DK006 dev kit using the JN5189T processor. After folowing the first page of the startup guide I have run into a issue; I cannot read or write to/from the board. I have installed and re-installed the drivers and made sure to use to correct port, but when using ZGWUI.exe I receive nothing and using a terminal I get the message "COM8: Error opening connection: Read error".  Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Contributor II

To solve Error opening connection: Read error on DK6programmer;

Find the COM port connected to your board using:

dk6programmer.exe -l

Next clean the flash memory using:

DK6Programmer.exe -V 5 -P 1000000 -s <COM_PORT> -e Flash

Now you should no longer get the message. Although this process may have to be repeated. If this doesn't work switch the FTDI/LPC USB connection and try again. Make sure that whenever you switch the USB input to also move the jumpers on JP7 and JP4 to the corresponding pins (marked on the board or see below for further details).


To solve debugging and flashing errors use this board setup;

Move the jumper on JP7 and JP4 (located next to the FTDI USB port) from pins 2-3 to 1-2 and use the LPC USB connector (closest to the reset button). This will enable you to use MCUXpresso for debugging and flashing using the GUI Flash Tool. 


To solve the second issue of "Target not found" on debugging using MCUXpresso; 

Go to Debug Configurations-> YOUR_PROJECT -> LinkServer Debugger (1), then find the Connect Script file explorer under Debug Connection. This needs to be pointing to QN9090Connect.scp to work. 


I would also suggest reading this GitHub repo 


(1) if you cannot see your project exit Debug Configurations. Select your project in the Project Explorer tab, then go to Debug Configurations and click New Launch Configuration.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Let me confirm firstly. Do you install the tool chain like python and others?

Have a great day,

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4,652 次查看
Contributor II


I had the board working with the other processor but once I switched to the JN5189 I got the aforementioned errors. Also, the green led on the controller board no longer lights up when plugged in.


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Contributor II

To solve Error opening connection: Read error on DK6programmer;

Find the COM port connected to your board using:

dk6programmer.exe -l

Next clean the flash memory using:

DK6Programmer.exe -V 5 -P 1000000 -s <COM_PORT> -e Flash

Now you should no longer get the message. Although this process may have to be repeated. If this doesn't work switch the FTDI/LPC USB connection and try again. Make sure that whenever you switch the USB input to also move the jumpers on JP7 and JP4 to the corresponding pins (marked on the board or see below for further details).


To solve debugging and flashing errors use this board setup;

Move the jumper on JP7 and JP4 (located next to the FTDI USB port) from pins 2-3 to 1-2 and use the LPC USB connector (closest to the reset button). This will enable you to use MCUXpresso for debugging and flashing using the GUI Flash Tool. 


To solve the second issue of "Target not found" on debugging using MCUXpresso; 

Go to Debug Configurations-> YOUR_PROJECT -> LinkServer Debugger (1), then find the Connect Script file explorer under Debug Connection. This needs to be pointing to QN9090Connect.scp to work. 


I would also suggest reading this GitHub repo 


(1) if you cannot see your project exit Debug Configurations. Select your project in the Project Explorer tab, then go to Debug Configurations and click New Launch Configuration.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Which chips you work is correct?

Have a great day,

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Contributor II


Not entirely sure what you meant, but with the k32w061 I could send and receive once I switched to the JN5189 I could no longer do so. I have tried each of the three boards and they all have the same issue. Is there different firmware that needs to be flashed to the board so that the JN5189 can be used? But I am unsure whey the power led on the controller board no longer lights up as well. 


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


That seems strange. Can you download the program normally for JN5189?

Have a great day,

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Contributor II


I can build and debug on MCUexpresso but cannot download and run the program. I get the error "Launching Project_Name has encountered a problem, error starting process". 

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NXP Employee


Do you try to use the FTDI USB to download the program for JN?

Have a great day,

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


The chip may be broken. Do you have other JN to test?

Have a great day,

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