Hello Friends,
i want to try to send data from Sleeping Device to Coordinator using MAC Address by below API:
how do i send it?
please need your help!
Best Regards,
Dheeraj Sawant
Can you configure it this way?
Or in the initialization function?
Hello mario_castaneda,
I achieved success by sending data from Sleeping Device to Coordinator,
but i want to send same data using MAC Address?
How it will be possible?
Best Regards,
Hi Dheeraj,
Please see a simple guide.
PUBLIC void vSend_Data(void)
uint16 u16Offset;
//Note Frame Control ZCL Header example
//Frame Type: 0x01 Command is specific to a cluster
//Manufacture Specific
//Direction: From Client to server or server to client
//Disable or Enable Default response
static uint32 u32Seqnum;
uint8 *pu8TransactionSequenceNumber;
uint16 u16Current_cluster;
PDUM_thAPduInstance = PDUM_hAPduAllocateAPduInstance(PDUM_thAPdu hAPdu);
//This function sets the size, in bytes, of the payload of the specified APDU instance
PDUM_eAPduInstanceSetPayloadSize(PDUM_thAPduInstance hAPduInst, uint16 u16Size );
u16Offset += PDUM_u16APduInstanceWriteNBO(
ZPS_teStatus ZPS_eAplAfUnicastAckDataReq(
PDUM_thAPduInstance hAPduInst,
uint16 u16ClusterId,
uint8 u8SrcEndpoint,
uint8 u8DstEndpoint,
uint16 u16DestAddr,
ZPS_teAplAfSecurityMode eSecurityMode,
uint8 u8Radius,
uint8 *pu8SeqNum);
For a better Reference.