How to deinit BLE in kw41z?

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How to deinit BLE in kw41z?

1,337 次查看
Contributor III

Hello, i use a firmware with ble stack in kw41z. In the device i use a king of menu for choose the ble radio mode or other operation mode.  During the exchange of operation mode i need to deinitialize the ble functionality so that it can reinitialize in other time. I use the function of the demo, in order "MSG_InitQueue()", "BLE_Initialize()" and "BleAppStart()".

I not found any Deinit function. How can i do?

Thanks Marco

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Contributor I

DFU and BEACON works independently but when i will use the 2 together the soft stop or restart TellPopeyes.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Marco, I hope you're doing well!


Usually, it is not recommended to de-initialize BLE functionality during program flow and execution. Is there a specific reason for the need to perform this operation?


If the reason is power consumption, it could be better to instead implement the use of one of the sleep or power down modes. With this implemented, you could make it so the radio is only enabled during certain times, and when not needed, the device goes to sleep or power down to lower power consumption.


Information about low power operation and implementation can be read in Chapter 3.15 of the Connectivity Framework Reference Manual included with the KW41Z's SDK package in the following path:


<…\SDK_SDK_2.2.1_FRDM-KW41Z\docs\wireless\Common\Connectivity Framework Reference Manual.pdf>


Please let me know if you need more information.


Best regards,


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1,241 次查看
Contributor III

Hello Sebastian, thank you for your support.


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