We are using MAYA W166 with IMXRT1064. We are also using their SDK application for modem communication. We are facing following issue.
1.We Connecting WiFi with laptop AP, Some times its working fine and some times its get failed. So We enable WiFi debug message and The channel and ssid available in wscan but unable to connect with wifi. we get network not found reason.
I attach the log for your reference.
log time stamps
2023-07-28 17:09:36.552000
[wscan] Channel: 153 Type: Passive
2023-07-28 17:09:36.863000
[wscan] AP: Test_wifi
2023-07-28 17:09:43.672000
-------- wlan_event_callback 2 --------
Kindly check and update us
We import latest SDK version 2.14.0 ,In that we face limited channel wifi Scan list issue. While we scan for available wifi network , we only get available ssid within (1 to 6 channels for 2.4GHz and 36 to 144 channel for 5GHz ) ,if my wifi network is available in 8 th channel for 2.4GHz and 161st channel for 5GHz i can't get it in Scan list. Both AP mode and station mode same issue happen.
In SDK version 2.11.1 we don't face this limited channel wifi Scan list issue.
Can you kindly let us know is there is any configuration changes needed to Scan all channel wifi network in latest SDK version 2.14.0 , I attach scan list log for both 2.11.1 and 2.14.0 SDK versions.
Thank you, while I investigate the SDK 2.14 information can you please help me by performing a test with the 2.13. version.
Hi keerthi,
We are using MAYA W166 with IMXRT1064 ,using their SDK application for modem communication.We try SDK version 2.14.0 as suggested.In that latest SDK we are face iPhone pairing issue,So that we revert back to SDK version 2.11.1.Where WiFi connection is flaky with configured SSID.I attach log for your reference.
When Device unable to connect with network we receive following callback,
2023-08-23 21:03:26.428000 -------- wlan_event_callback 1 --------
2023-08-23 21:03:32.507000 -------- wlan_event_callback 5 --------
2023-08-23 21:03:32.507000
2023-08-23 21:03:32.507000 -------- wlan_event_callback 11 --------
2023-08-23 21:03:32.517000 [!] Cannot connect to Wi-Fi
2023-08-23 21:03:32.517000 [!]ssid: Tenda PQA
2023-08-23 21:03:32.517000 [!]passphrase: PQA@678321456
2023-08-23 21:03:32.517000 [!]bssid: 232:101:212:71:201:49
Finding : In first level debugging we found configured ssid was available in scan list at not connecting case.
We need clarification on following points:
Please help us to fix this issue as soon as possible.
We understand the current troubles that you are facing, the recommended software is the SDK version 2.13 instead of the 2.14. Please help me using this.
We have noticed some troubles, also we recommend to use the MCUXpresso latest version 11.8.
We are working with wifi modem(MAYA W166 and IMXRT1064) and using a SDK version (2.14.0) for modem communication. We are experiencing difficulties with device-to-mobile(iphone) pairing, particularly in Access Point mode.
Where we are not facing AP mode connection issue, in SDK version 2.11.1.
Please support to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
We have notice some details on the latest SDK version, we were able to reproduce the AP connection to a mobile phone(iphone) with no troubles with the SDK version 2.13.0. Please help me by confirming that this is also working for you.
Thank you in advance for contacting NXP support.
Can you please help me by confirming some extra details in order to find a solution to your case:
Also please help me reviewing the following documents:
This documents are located on the SDK->docs->wireles folder.
Please let me know if there is anything else where I can help you.
Here i mentioned the wifi low signal connection issue details.
We are using MAYA W166 with IMXRT1064 ,using their SDK application for modem communication. Where we are facing wifi connection issue when the signal strength is -60dbm and above, even though router is available in scan list. SDK 2.11.1 version.
We carried out low signal related test cases in both 2.4GHz and 5GHz band.
For connection test at low signal we config device with wifi router and kept device 6 to 10 meter away from router. with this test setup ,device shows (-60 dbm to -80dbm)signal strength.
In this wifi signal strength range we face below issues
Some times device able to connect with router but unable to transmit data to server over TCP protocol.With (-60dbm to -75 dbm)at 2.4Ghz and (-75dbm to -85dbm) at 5Ghz try to send sample data to server via TCP protocol this will reproduce the issue what we currently facing
I understand the concern and the troubles you are currently facing, but in this case what we highly recommend is to use a more recent SDK version in this case what we are currently recommending to our clients is version 2.13. The SDK version you are using is a downgrade version that has been optimized on this 2.12 version.
Dear Sir,
Following your suggestion, we imported SDK version 2.13.0 and tested the Wi-Fi/Webconfig example program. However, we encountered a limitation with the Wi-Fi scan list. When scanning for available Wi-Fi networks, we can only retrieve a list of 10 SSIDs. Furthermore, there is no support for the WPA3_SAE security type, which is a requirement for our application.
With SDK version 2.11.1, we did not face the limited channel Wi-Fi scan list issue.
Due to these issues, we are unable to integrate the recommended 2.13.0 SDK version into our project.
I attach a tested log for your reference.
Could you please share with me all the terminal output from your test? I’d like to see both commands and outputs.
What do you mean with WPA3 support? I was able to connect to a WPA3 AP. What kind of problem do you get?
Is there another problem beside the number of scanned networks in SDK 2.13.0?