My company is using the Murata 1ZM wifi chip with the 1064 in our product. When we are using the wifi chip in AP mode and sending packets to the PC, occasionally we will see a print statement "Switch to channel 1 success!" and our tcp socket drops and we lose connection with the PC. My team believes that the wifi chip is performing an Extended channel switch announcement due to the wifi chip detecting interference on the current channel. Do you know why our tcp socket disconnects during this? If not how can we disable ECSA and is it safe to do so?
My name is Daniel and I will be happy to help you.
In order to better understand your situation, I kindly ask you to help me with the following information.
Best regards, Daniel.
Thank you for responding to my question. Here are the answer to your questions.
Thank you for letting me know.
In order to try to recreate your issue, have you found a similar situation with an SDK example?
The packets you are sending to the PC, are they ping packets?
I have not found a similar issue with an sdk example. Our product is receiving CAN messages approximately every 1 to 3ms and sends them to the PC. The PC will also send messages for our product to transmit on the CAN bus (PC also send ping packets). So our traffic is pretty busy.
So this problem doesn’t happen to you at all times, am I right?
Unfortunately, it is very hard to my to find a workaround for this specific issue, since I don’t have a similar setup as you. May I have more information about your setup?
Please, if you find a way that I can force this scenario to happen, i.e. with an SDK example, let me know and I will check it so I can try to find a workaround.
Right now the best recommendation I can give you is to try this with the latest version of the SDK.
I’m sorry for the inconvenience this might cause you.
Best regards,