I am trying to get a TWR-VF65GS10 to boot Linux, but I've been unable to do this despite the original SD Card working. I've since formatted said SD Card, and the guides provided from Timesys and Here do not seem to work for me, and I never end up reaching the boot menu.
I am following these guides on a Virtual Machine, so I don't know if that's the limiting factor or not.
Have you verified that all the jumpers are placed on the right positions?
Additionally, it seems that the following link provides better instructions regarding booting Linux on the TWR-VF65GS10 board:
Timesys Getting Started Guide and Booting the Freescale Vybrid TWR-VF65GS10 | Timesys Embedded Linux
Hope this will be useful for you.
Best regards!
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Yes J22 is set to SD Card Boot. I was able to boot the demo application but when I formatted the SD card I haven't been able to boot again.
I tried following Timesys' guide already. u-boot doesn't seem to be installing correctly.
Hi kraust,
Please make sure the following things correctly.
1) Did you copy all the files (boot.imx, uImage and dtb) using sudo. And Did you copy the u-boot image as documented in the timesys document (https://linuxlink.timesys.com/docs/gsg/twr_vf600).
ex:sudo dd if=u-boot.imx of=/dev/sdX bs=512 seek=2
sd X* can be obtained by running dmesg in the terminal.
2) After placing the sdcard in to the TWR-VF65GS10 bord did you make sure that which serial port TWR-VF65GS10 is connected?
Again this can be obtained running dmesg in the terminal. Once after that you need to configure the minicom using the same serial port you got (Ex: ttyUSB0)
If you have done the above mentioned steps correctly then resetting the board take you to the Boot menu. Once after giving the boot args you will be able to boot the board. Please also try and format the SD card as per timesys getting started guide. If issue persists please share the error you are getting and U-boot version.
Timesys support.
timesyssupport are you able to help here?