Which cameras can I use on The Freescale Cup Challenge?

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Which cameras can I use on The Freescale Cup Challenge?

Which cameras can I use on The Freescale Cup Challenge?

To comply with the rule that mentions that “One processor - No auxiliary processor or other programmable device is allowed”. Participants must check the camera used for the competition.

The camera cannot have a processing unit that processes the image for localization, polarization, auto contrast or auto focus. The only authorization is for a compression engine (no image processing, only compression).

An Analog to Digital external converter can be used. Such as AD7276/AD7277/AD7278.

For any additional cameras, please contact your Regional Freescale Cup Coordinator. They can confirm if the camera can be used and it will be added to this list for further inquiries.

Camera Allowed:

Some restricted cameras and some examples why:

  • OV-2540
    • This camera can be programmed and processes the image output. Not allowed.
  • CM-26N/P

This camera has • Auto gain, • Auto contrast and • Auto focused.

Camara 1.JPG.jpg

Camara 2.JPG.jpg

Camara 3.JPG.jpg



Seems like the SEN-11745 has automatic gain control and its allowed. I have a cheap 208C RCA camera, I haven't found a datasheet of its image sensor... I´m sure that the focus it manual but its DC level varies with the light. How can I know if its allowed or not? damaris.ochoa



Hi DamarisOchoa,

Is OV-5116 allowed to be used? It's an NTSC camera.


Hello @Gilbert Joe,

I just checked and the OV-5116 camera is allowed to be used during the competition.


Hello Andres,

Automatic Gain is ok. But we will need to check that the camera is allowed based on the Datasheet of the image sensor (no localization, polarization, auto contrast or auto focus). Unfortunately I have not been able to find the datasheet either and it will be necessary for us to approve it´s use. Please check if there are other options that you can use, and let us know the part number so we can confirm it´s usage and we don´t have any issues for the technical inspection during the competition.



Is OV2640 camera allowed to be use?

Thank you.

Hello Wei Shen Tan,

This camera can´t be used. This camera is programmable and as is mentioned in the Datasheet "This Device can be programmed to provide image output in various fully processed and encoded formats". The only processor allowed to be used is the Main Freescale 32 bit Microcontroller.


I found that the camera processor is a Vimicro VC0702 http://pdf.dzsc.com/88888/2006102415133376.pdf , it is configurable by itself, but the camera only has analog outputs for audio and video. Is still valid or not?

Thanks in advance.

By the way, this is the image sensor of the SEN-1175 http://www.alliedsens.com/images/contents/documents/pixelplus_brief_datasheet_pc1089k.pdf and it´s no so different than the forbidden ones, so I´m wondering if the allowance of the cameras should be based on the camera output to our board or the imaging sensor output to the camera.


damaris.ochoa Quisiera que se aclare en general cuales modulos de camara se pueden utilizar, para que los participantes no tengan alguna duda acerca de esto.

A mi parecer, todos los modulos de camaras que tengan salida de video analoga ya sea NTSC o PAL son permitidos. Son los que cuentan solo con tres cables como el SEN-11745 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11745: B+ (Power supply), VO (Video Otput)  y GND (Ground). Este modulo de camara cuenta con el sensor PC1089K http://www.alliedsens.com/images/contents/documents/pixelplus_brief_datasheet_pc1089k.pdf, que aunque es un sensor programable por I²C, esas funcionalidades del sensor no son proporcionadas por el modulo de la camara, ya que solo entrega la salida de video VO, por lo tanto supongo que por esa razon este modulo es aceptado. Por lo que dedusco que cualquier modulo de camera que entregue solo la salida de video, aunque este tenga un sensor programbale, es aceptado, y quisiera que afirmaran eso.

Otro modulo de camara que entrega solo la salida de video es el SONY CDD: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10220143173

Por otro lado esta el sensor OV5116N http://www.premier-electric.com/files/Ovt/ds_5116N.pdf donde al parecer es un sensor no programable. Este sensor en el mercado me lo he encontrado en dos diferentes modulos de camara: uno que entrega solo la señal de video como el SEN-11745 y el SONY CDD http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12870473175 y otro modulo http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=41297213281 que cuenta con el integrado LM1881 http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm1881.pdf que es un Video Sync Separator, para que de alguna forma podamos procesar mejor la señal de video, y tiene el mismo funcionamiento que el integrado LMH1980 http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lmh1980.pdf que se vio en el video Advanced Cameras  https://community.freescale.com/videos/1599, de hecho el LM1881 es una version con menos capacidades que el LMH1980 http://www.ti.com/lsds/ti/interface/video-timing-products.page#p404=Sync Separator. En el ultimo comentario del video se acordo que se puede utilizar el LMH1980 por lo que supongo que tambien se puede utilizar el LM1881 y por lo tanto tambien este modulo de camera.

Esta es una tarjeta que usa el LM1881 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18713123758, con la cual podriamos dotar de nuestro modulo de camara que solo cuenta con salida de video, con las funcionalidades que nos da el chip.

Por ultimo, hay unos modulos de camara que he encontrado y que al parecer los chinos han estado utlizando durante los campeonatos de freescale, estos son el:

OV7620 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9589154937

OV7640 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8402972399

Si leen los articulos veran que tienen mucha información sobre ellos, y codigos de sobra. Quisiera que aclararan si estos modulos de camara se pueden utilizar, ya que el OV7670 esta entre los sensores que no pueden ser utilizados, pero este es exactamente igual que el OV7620 y el OV7640 en cuestion de funcionalidades.

Como sabran la empresa o compañia encargada de fabricar todos los sensores antes mencionados es OmniVision http://www.ovt.com, esta es propietaria de una finterfaz de comunicación llamada Serial Camera Control Bus (SCCB) http://www.ovt.com/download_document.php?type=document&DID=63, que es la que utlizan estos 3 ultimos sensores antes mencionados. A lo que he leido, este bus se utiliza como dice el mismo para control y configuración, no se si ha esto se le considere programable y estos sensores ya integran un conversor de video anologo a digital, que igual no se si esto lo consideren como procesador. Quisiera que aclararan eso sobre estos sensores, lo que pienso es de que si no se puede utilizar el OV7670 por contar con el Serial Camera Control Bus, tampoco se puede utilizar el OV7620 ni el OV7640, y todo aquel cuente con ese bus. Y si es que se puede, que ya los chinos lo han hecho, pues para que todos los participantes puedan tambien usarlos.

Hola damaris.ochoa también quisiera preguntar lo que  eduardoavelar  pregunta sobre las cámaras de OmniVision (OV7620), ya que estoy trabajando con esta y no quisiera ser descalificado, también tenía entendido que los chinos la utilizaron en el mundial 2014 en Korea, gracias por tu atención Damaris.

The given link for the OV5116N is broken? I found another datasheet for the OV5116N as follow


camera with on-chip auto exposure is allowed?

Any advice?

Let's all be clear, any camera not on the list above won't be accepted to the challenge.

Cameras with autoexposure and autofocus are forbidden on the challenge. You can add a luminosity sensor and use the signal via the Kinetis MCU to process luminosity if you wish.



Hi all,

We would like to clarify the use of a specific type of camera. Based on the first post, OV-5116N is in the allowable list. After we confirmed that OV-5116N can be used about two months ago, we started developing the car based on it. We are really on a very tight schedule, considering the time needed to source for other types of camera. Furthermore, we have spent considerable amount of time and budget designing the car based on this camera. As a matter of fact, this camera is producing pure analog RCA video signal (only three wires out: 5V, GND, Video) and all processing and capturing still have to be done entirely by the microcontroller.

Can OV-5116N be used? We hope this can be clarified as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.

Hi ,

I saw that the OV-5116N has auto gain control , but it's mentioned as being allowed in the competition . I woult like to ask you if it is accepted or not .

Also , I woul like to ask you if the OV7675 is accepted . This is the corresponding datasheet :http://www.ovt.com/download_document.php?type=sensor&sensorid=75 .



Hi Andrew, we review camera inputs on exceptional basis. The ones listed are accepted. Thanks to use those for the time being. We will review new cameras later in the year.

Dear all,

could sombody check, if this camera would be o.k. ?

links for camera and sensor are included in this message, see below.



By the way, when can we get the results of the review of new cameras.

Time for the new cup is near and we need some time for adaption of another camera.

Thanks, Herbert

Hi Herbert, At this point, we are not able to review all the cameras on the market. This is not the intent of the exercise. We keep the teams engaged on a limited number of cameras in order to have a plain field level of competition. Thank you for keeping the current cameras in your design.

‎12-09-2014 02:49 PM