We have a T1042 custom board. We are able to debug the board and program SPI flash using Flash programmer in code warrior. After programming SPI flash, the Hardcoded RCW is changed to 0x45 and we are trying to check the booting information on serial port. But we dont receive any UART data and when we probe SPI CS and MOSI, we observe very few signals after power ON.
Kindly suggest any method to check if my bootloader is loaded into processor or no or what can be the reasons for UART not working.
We checked RCW values loaded in SPI flash and it is followed by U-Boot code.
Please refer to document C:\Freescale\CW_PA_v10.5.1\PA\Power Architecture Processors Getting Started Guide.pdf to create a bare board project and check whether "Hello CodeWarrior" can be printed out.
Please note, you need to modify DDR controller configuration section according to your target board in CodeWarrior initialization file in <project>/CFG/<target>_init_core.tcl