The long packet contains a Packet Header (PH), application-specific data payload of a
variable number of 8-bit data words and a Packet Footer (PF).
And The long packet PH consists an 8-bit data identifier.
The value of PH data ID :0x30 to 0x37,these are used as user defined.
I want to know:
1、the range of data ID value mean the short packet?
2、the range of data ID value mean the long packet?
3、Are there other value of data ID, which mean other packet?
4、we distinguish the short packet and long packet through the data ID?
5、Is TEF82xx CSI2 protocol different with standard CSI2? IF different,where?
Thank you
1、the range of data ID value mean the short packet?
2、the range of data ID value mean the long packet?
3、Are there other value of data ID, which mean other packet?
4、we distinguish the short packet and long packet through the data ID?
Yes, Since all the synchronization packets have their own Data ID, It is used to distinguish between different types of packets
5、Is TEF82xx CSI2 protocol different with standard CSI2? IF different,where?
No Differences
I have contacted our radar team, once I have answer I will feedback you.
Best regards,