每个MMA8451传感器温度变化曲线不一致, 是否有这款传感器的温度补偿程序.
找了一圈并没有找到温度补偿的程序,你看看下面的解释 就是再PCB 的时候需要注意:
Sensor placement is very important and is often overlooked. The MEMS sensor inside the package is very sensitive to stresses.
Small deflections inside the MEMS sensor on the order of 10 nm correspond to a change in acceleration of 1g. Care must be
taken to ensure that the package is not stressed by holes or components on the PCB placed too closely to the accelerometer. It
is important to place the sensor where it is NOT vulnerable to be pushed or otherwise affected directly by the user’s hands. Also
avoid bending the PCB containing the sensor as the PCB stress is transferred to the accelerometer. Temperature can also be an
issue. It is good to avoid placing the sensor near components that may have large temperature variations, or that are constantly
very hot as this will affect the offset of the sensor. For optimal motion detection, place the sensor away from the center of the
device. This will ensure better acceleration readings and make them more significant to detect smaller motions, from a higher
moment of inertia than if placed right on the center of movement.