The CDC drivers from PE Micro occasionally hang up, which can cause a problem with the license generation stage of the sensor fusion library installation procedure. The problem is documented in the OpenSDA manual. I have not been able to find a fix, but I do have a multi step workaround that usually works:
This is documented in the installation notes that appear right after you accept the license, but if you are like me and 99.9% of humanity, you blew right by it. The good news is that you only need to go through this process once to create the license file.
By the way, if you REALLY want to clean out all “hanging, but inactive” serial ports, set DEVMGR_SHOW_NON_PRESENT_DEVICES = 1 in the System Variables section of the Environmental Variables popup that you get via System Properties->Advanced on your PC. Do this before step 1 above. On Windows 7, that process is:
We've also noticed that some laptops have different variants of USB present on the same computer. Simply switching the USB port sometimes resolves the problem.
Version 417 of the Xtrinsic Sensor Fusion Toolbox for Kinetis MCUs will be released shortly. We've made a couple of changes to address this problem:
If you know the port name on your PC that is assigned to your Freedom board, you can add that port name to the ClGenerateNodeLockedLicense.exe command line. Example: ClGenerateNodeLockedLicense.exe COM40.
That will steer the program directly to the correct comm port and save you time.
Please let me know of any problems.