I know, that the sensor is a little bit old, but nevertheless.
I have one application case and I still cannot solve a problem with transient detection. Of course I have read all App. Notes.
Use case description:
Here is described motion (ODR=100Hz)
My first idea was to use vector-magnitude detection. But I did't tried it because I don't have constant Gref (initial position may have some variiations...).
The second idea - motion or transient detection.
Code (abstract):
Interrupt event triggered non-stop. I tried many different values for 4) and 5).
uC input IO configured for neg. edge with enabled pull-up.
I tried to move 6) after 3) like here. No interrupt triggered at all.
I tested circuit enabling FIFO watermark interrupt. Works without problems.
Any ideas?
Or motion detection is more suitable in my case?
Many thanks in advance
Hello Igor,
for your case, I think the best would be the "Acceleration vector-magnitude detection". Please refer to the section 12.10 in the FXOS8700CQ datasheet and to the AN4692.
With Best Regards,
After 10h of investigation:
It seems that threshold set in TRANSIENT_THS is ignored. Therefore interrupt fired non-stop (fallback threshold 0mg?).
But after enabling a_ffmt_trans_ths_en=1 in A_FFMT_THS_Y_MSB the system started to work correctly.
Axis of interest is X.
And I didn't expect to use invidual thresholds per axis. But it works now.