Secure Unique NFC on NTAG424 DNA Tags

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Secure Unique NFC on NTAG424 DNA Tags

Contributor I

Good day,

I have an ongoing project with NFC Tags, for user location, where some kind of anti-cloning feature is needed.

NTAG424 DNA have the SUN (Secure Unique NFC) functionality, which can fullfill our requests.

But the problem is how to implement backend to decrypt - check message. 

I have found some documentation here, but is so low-level that does not help our development team (mainly working with .NET).

Does anyone have some working example of backend server for SUN decryption?

Any help is appreciated, Thanks

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @480eduardopena ,


Yes, on the Authentication Service we have APIs do verify the SUN message, but such kind of information is under NDA control, do you have a valid NDA with NXP? If yes, please create a private ticket according the following link and send your NDA to me via this ticket, I may contact the expert team then.  Please kindly refer to for details. Please also tell me the ticket number when it is available.


Thanks for your patience!


Have a great day,

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