I am calling this API from my context session (SCP03 encrypted), using a valid object id that identifies a valid EC key that exists in persistent memory and passing the public key and length
Se05x_API_ECGenSharedSecret(&session->s_ctx, kid, key, key_len, secret, len);
The kid is a valid object id.
secret: is a valid pointer to a buffer of 512 bytes
secret_len: is a valid pointer pointing to the number 512
The key:
I/TC: public key : 32 bytes, x=32, y=32
I/TC: se050: ecc: : public x:
I/TC: se050: ecc: : 04.bf.cd.44.48.a7.e6.d9 36.3f.84.e8.c6.39.32.df
I/TC: se050: ecc: : f6.12.f0.85.21.b4.b6.e5 4d.ad.46.7a.d4.c1.bf.6c
I/TC: se050: ecc: : public y:
I/TC: se050: ecc: : 34.b9.56.6b.99.17.32.b3 f9.0b.bf.7c.a5.75.a3.61
I/TC: se050: ecc: : 38.9d.d0.f9.b3.26.a9.93 13.18.a8.11.d8.30.e8.7b
The key array is formed as: 0x04 + public_x + public_y
With the length = 1 + 32 + 32
The curve id of the kid is kSE05x_ECCurve_NIST_P256
The response I get from the SE050 to this APDU request is 0x6985
Since the kid - object with the private key - is valid, is there anything in the formatting of the public key that could be causing this call to fail?
please close this case. the public key being used to get the secret had an incorrect byte in it.
thanks and sorry about it.