SCST tests are failing

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SCST tests are failing

Contributor I

SCST m7_scst_spfpu_convert_test1 fails every now and then but it passes most of the times. I have debugged the assembly code and I see that some times the S0 and S1 are not getting the correct values when arriving to the m7_scst_spfpu_convert_test1_check_fpdscr section. Also, test m7_scst_fetch_test fails but with less frequency. This I can only avoid it by disabling all the OS interrupts before executing the SCST tests but I can't do that always, the user manual says I can leave the Interrupts enabled and that the library should take care the interrupts but this issue happens every 100-300 test executions.

How can I fix this issue without disabling all the interrupts before executing all 50 tests?

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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


1) There is a known issue for m7_scst_spfpu_convert_test1 which is already fixed by ticket CSTL-1320. it was fixed in these releases:
- S32K3xx fixed from version RTM 1.0.3 (last release is RTM 1.04)
- S32K396 fixed from latest RTM 1.0.1
- S32M27x fixed from latest RTM 1.0.1
Could you check wheather you use one of the above releases where it is already fixed?

2) For the issue with fetch test we would need more details like:
- How the test fails, i.e. is it exception or wrong signature (what is the signature value),
- Settings of MPU for the memory where the “m7_scst_ram_test_code” section is mapped

Best Regards,


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Contributor I

2) Fails with wrong signature but it only fails after several successful attempts. MPU settings for m7_scst_ram_test_code are:

Region  Description    Size[KB]    Type         Inner Cache Policy    Outer Cache Policy    
SRAM + STACK              32         Normal      Write-Back/Allocate   Write-Back/Allocate  
Shareable  Executable    Privileged Access    Unprivileged Access
     No             Yes                Read/Write               Read/Write
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Could you provide information which value is returned by m7_scst_execute_core_tests when the m7_scst_fetch_test does not work?

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