Hi Dear Colleagues,
I notice that there is only ASIL-D S32K324's FMEDA in the community, do we have an ASIL-B version? Or if the customer only needs ASIL-B, can they just use the ASIL-D version? Thanks.
Hello Weo Wang,
The S32K324 is for the ASIL-B use-case only. The FMEDA on the community is for ASIL-B https://community.nxp.com/t5/SafeAssure-NDA-group/FMEDA-SEooC-Static-S32K324/ta-p/1218274.
If customer wants to use in the ASIL-D use-case, they need to use S32K344.
Hello Weo Wang
Just to add to Ehtesham's response,
Note that the FMEDAs are based on the NXP's assumed safety concept where we target split-lock cores (S32K324) for ASIL-B application and lockstep for ASIL-D application (S32K344). These FMEDAs are based on specific configuration and NXP provides some flexibility to re-configure the FMEDA for customer's usecase.
You should review the safety manual/concept and evaluate if you require to customize the FMEDA or the existing FMEDAs are sufficient for you.