I am currently about to setup an environment for a S32K344 with the Wdg driver of the SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_4.4_4.0.0_P20 Mcal.
I perform a somoke-test to test all integrated modules, so I test the wdg too. In the testcase a immidiate reset via the wdg is triggered, but after that the target stays in stop mode (IC5000 Tasking-Debugger).
Now I do not know, if there is something further to configure, that the target does a startup after a wdg reset or if that could be a setting with the debugger.
So I briefly ask for help,
Thank you!
What do you mean by the Stop mode?
Can you read the core register while the MCU is in this state?
Have you tried without the debugger after power-on reset?
The MCU should reset periodically via the WDOG.