Hello all,
I'm facing error with RAM size in my project, because it overflowed the RAM size (int_ram).
I'm using the default linker file generated by the examples from RTD AUTOSAR 4.7:
/*==================================================================================================* Project : RTD AUTOSAR 4.7* Platform : CORTEXM* Peripheral :* Dependencies : none** Autosar Version : 4.7.0* Autosar Revision : ASR_REL_4_7_REV_0000* Autosar Conf.Variant :* SW Version : 4.0.0* Build Version : S32K3_RTD_4_0_0_D2311_ASR_REL_4_7_REV_0000_20231128** Copyright 2020 - 2023 NXP** NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may only be* used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms. By expressly* accepting such terms or by downloading, installing, activating and/or otherwise* using the software, you are agreeing that you have read, and that you agree to* comply with and are bound by, such license terms. If you do not agree to be* bound by the applicable license terms, then you may not retain, install,* activate or otherwise use the software.==================================================================================================*//** Target device: This linker is demo and it is using for device S32K344 only. It is not part of the production code deliverables.* Target core: ARM cortex M7* Linker need to align with MPU default setup in system.c*//** GCC Linker Command File: This linker is demo and is not part of the production code deliverables.* 0x00000000 0x0000FFFF 65536 ITCM* 0x20000000 0x2001FFFF 131072 DTCM* 0x00400000 0x007FFFFF 4194304 Program Flash* 0x10000000 0x1001FFFF 131072 Data Flash* 0x20400000 0x20427FFF 163840 SRAM_0* 0x20428000 0x20443FFF 114688 SRAM_1 Actually only initialize 112 kB instead of 160 kB in RM, 48kB is blocked by fimrware* Last 176 KB of CODE_FLASH reserved by HSE Firmware* standby_data section should contain only uninitialized data*/HEAP_SIZE = DEFINED(__heap_size__) ? __heap_size__ : 0x00002000;__STANDBY_RAM_LIMIT_END = 0x20407FFF; /* 32Kbyte for standby ram */ENTRY(Reset_Handler)MEMORY{int_pflash : ORIGIN = 0x00400000, LENGTH = 0x001D4000 /* 4096KB - 176KB (sBAF + HSE)*/int_dflash : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0x00020000 /* 128KB */int_itcm : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00010000 /* 64KB */int_dtcm : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x0001F000 /* 124KB */int_stack_dtcm : ORIGIN = 0x2001F000, LENGTH = 0x00001000 /* 4KB */int_sram : ORIGIN = 0x20400000, LENGTH = 0x0002FF00 /* 184KB, needs to include int_sram_fls_rsv */int_sram_fls_rsv : ORIGIN = 0x2042FF00, LENGTH = 0x00000100int_sram_no_cacheable : ORIGIN = 0x20430000, LENGTH = 0x0000FF00 /* 64KB, needs to include int_sram_results */int_sram_results : ORIGIN = 0x2043FF00, LENGTH = 0x00000100int_sram_shareable : ORIGIN = 0x20440000, LENGTH = 0x00004000 /* 16KB */ram_rsvd2 : ORIGIN = 0x20444000, LENGTH = 0 /* End of SRAM */}SECTIONS{.pflash :{KEEP(*(.boot_header)). = ALIGN(8192); /* The minimum erase size of C40 Flash IP is 8kb */__text_start = .;__interrupts_init_start = .;KEEP(*(.intc_vector)). = ALIGN(4);__interrupts_init_end = .;KEEP(*(.core_loop)). = ALIGN(4);*(.startup). = ALIGN(4);*(.systeminit). = ALIGN(4);*(.text.startup). = ALIGN(4);*(.text)*(.text*). = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_text). = ALIGN(4);*(.bsw_code). = ALIGN(4);*(.acmcu_code_rom). = ALIGN(4);__acfls_code_rom_start = .;*(.acfls_code_rom). = ALIGN(4);__acfls_code_rom_end = .;__acmem_43_infls_code_rom_start = .;*(.acmem_43_infls_code_rom). = ALIGN(4);__acmem_43_infls_code_rom_end = .;KEEP(*(.init)). = ALIGN(4);KEEP(*(.fini)). = ALIGN(4);*(.rodata)*(.rodata*). = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_const_cfg). = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_const). = ALIGN(4);__init_table = .;KEEP(*(.init_table)). = ALIGN(4);__zero_table = .;KEEP(*(.zero_table))} > int_pflash. = ALIGN(4);__text_end = .;__sram_data_rom = __text_end;.sram_bss (NOLOAD) :{. = ALIGN(8);__standby_ram_begin__ = .;*(.standby_data). = ALIGN(8);__standby_ram_end__ = .;. = ALIGN(16);__sram_bss_start = .;*(.bss)*(.bss*). = ALIGN(16);*(.mcal_bss). = ALIGN(4);__sram_bss_end = .;} > int_sram.sram_data : AT(__sram_data_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__sram_data_begin__ = .;. = ALIGN(4);*(.ramcode). = ALIGN(4);*(.data)*(.data*). = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_data). = ALIGN(4);__sram_data_end__ = .;} > int_sram__sram_data_rom_end = __sram_data_rom + (__sram_data_end__ - __sram_data_begin__);/* heap section */.heap (NOLOAD):{. += ALIGN(4);_end = .;end = .;_heap_start = .;. += HEAP_SIZE;_heap_end = .;} > int_sram.acfls_code_ram :{__acfls_code_ram_start = .;*(.acfls_code_ram)__acfls_code_ram_end = .;__acmem_43_infls_code_ram_start = .;*(.acmem_43_infls_code_ram)__acmem_43_infls_code_ram_end = .;} > int_sram_fls_rsv__non_cacheable_data_rom = __sram_data_rom_end;.non_cacheable_data : AT(__non_cacheable_data_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__non_cacheable_data_start__ = .;*(.mcal_data_no_cacheable). = ALIGN(4);*(.mcal_const_no_cacheable). = ALIGN(4);HSE_LOOP_ADDR = .;LONG(0x0);__non_cacheable_data_end__ = .;} > int_sram_no_cacheable__non_cacheable_data_rom_end = __non_cacheable_data_rom + (__non_cacheable_data_end__ - __non_cacheable_data_start__);.non_cacheable_bss (NOLOAD) :{. = ALIGN(16);__non_cacheable_bss_start = .;*(.mcal_bss_no_cacheable). = ALIGN(4);__non_cacheable_bss_end = .;} > int_sram_no_cacheable.int_results (NOLOAD):{. = ALIGN(4);KEEP(*(.int_results)). += 0x100;} > int_sram_results__shareable_data_rom = __non_cacheable_data_rom_end;.shareable_data : AT(__shareable_data_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__shareable_data_start__ = .;KEEP(*(.mcal_shared_data)). = ALIGN(4);__shareable_data_end__ = .;} > int_sram_shareable__shareable_data_rom_end = __shareable_data_rom + (__shareable_data_end__ - __shareable_data_start__);.int_vector :{. = ALIGN(2048);__interrupts_ram_start = .;. += __interrupts_init_end - __interrupts_init_start;. = ALIGN(4);__interrupts_ram_end = .;} > int_dtcm__tcm_data_rom = __shareable_data_rom_end;.data_tcm_data : AT(__tcm_data_rom){. = ALIGN(4);__dtcm_data_start__ = .;*(.dtcm_data*). = ALIGN(4);__dtcm_data_end__ = .;} > int_dtcm__tcm_data_rom_end = __tcm_data_rom + (__dtcm_data_end__ - __dtcm_data_start__);.bss_tcm_data (NOLOAD) :{. = ALIGN(4);__dtcm_bss_start__ = .;*(.dtcm_bss*). = ALIGN(4);__dtcm_bss_end__ = .;} > int_dtcm__tcm_code_rom_start = __tcm_data_rom_end;.itcm_text : AT(__tcm_code_rom_start){. = ALIGN(4);__itcm_start__ = .;*(.itcm_text*). = ALIGN(4);__itcm_end__ = .;} > int_itcm__tcm_code_rom_end = __tcm_code_rom_start + (__itcm_end__ - __itcm_start__);.shareable_bss (NOLOAD) :{. = ALIGN(16);__shareable_bss_start = .;*(.mcal_shared_bss). = ALIGN(4);__shareable_bss_end = .;} > int_sram_shareable__Stack_dtcm_end = ORIGIN(int_stack_dtcm);__Stack_dtcm_start = ORIGIN(int_stack_dtcm) + LENGTH(int_stack_dtcm);__INT_SRAM_START = ORIGIN(int_sram);__INT_SRAM_END = ORIGIN(ram_rsvd2);__INT_ITCM_START = ORIGIN(int_itcm);__INT_ITCM_END = ORIGIN(int_itcm) + LENGTH(int_itcm);__INT_DTCM_START = ORIGIN(int_dtcm);__INT_DTCM_END = ORIGIN(int_dtcm) + LENGTH(int_dtcm) + LENGTH(int_stack_dtcm);__RAM_SHAREABLE_START = __shareable_data_start__;__RAM_SHAREABLE_SIZE = 0xE; /* 16 kbyte in power of 2 */__ROM_SHAREABLE_START = __shareable_data_rom;__ROM_SHAREABLE_END = __shareable_data_rom_end;__RAM_NO_CACHEABLE_START = __non_cacheable_data_start__;__RAM_NO_CACHEABLE_SIZE = 0x10; /* 64kbyte in power of 2 */__ROM_NO_CACHEABLE_START = __non_cacheable_data_rom;__ROM_NO_CACHEABLE_END = __non_cacheable_data_rom_end;__RAM_CACHEABLE_START = __sram_data_begin__;__RAM_CACHEABLE_SIZE = 0x12; /* 256kbyte in power of 2 */__ROM_CACHEABLE_START = __sram_data_rom;__ROM_CACHEABLE_END = __sram_data_rom_end;__ROM_CODE_START = ORIGIN(int_pflash);__ROM_DATA_START = ORIGIN(int_dflash);__BSS_SRAM_START = __sram_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_END = __sram_bss_end;__BSS_SRAM_SIZE = __sram_bss_end - __sram_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_NC_START = __non_cacheable_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_NC_SIZE = __non_cacheable_bss_end - __non_cacheable_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_NC_END = __non_cacheable_bss_end;__BSS_SRAM_SH_START = __shareable_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_SH_SIZE = __shareable_bss_end - __shareable_bss_start;__BSS_SRAM_SH_END = __shareable_bss_end;__RAM_INTERRUPT_START = __interrupts_ram_start;__INIT_INTERRUPT_START = __interrupts_init_start;__INIT_INTERRUPT_END = __interrupts_init_end;__RAM_ITCM_START = __itcm_start__;__ROM_ITCM_START = __tcm_code_rom_start;__ROM_ITCM_END = __tcm_code_rom_end;__RAM_DTCM_DATA_START = __dtcm_data_start__;__ROM_DTCM_DATA_START = __tcm_data_rom;__ROM_DTCM_END = __tcm_data_rom_end;__INIT_TABLE = __init_table;__ZERO_TABLE = __zero_table;__RAM_INIT = 1;__ITCM_INIT = 1;__DTCM_INIT = 1;Fls_ACEraseRomStart = __acfls_code_rom_start;Fls_ACEraseRomEnd = __acfls_code_rom_end;Fls_ACEraseSize = (__acfls_code_rom_end - __acfls_code_rom_start) / 4; /* Copy 4 bytes at a time*/Fls_ACWriteRomStart = __acfls_code_rom_start;Fls_ACWriteRomEnd = __acfls_code_rom_end;Fls_ACWriteSize = (__acfls_code_rom_end - __acfls_code_rom_start) / 4; /* Copy 4 bytes at a time*/_ERASE_FUNC_ADDRESS_ = __acfls_code_ram_start;_WRITE_FUNC_ADDRESS_ = __acfls_code_ram_start;Mem_43_INFLS_ACEraseRomStart = __acmem_43_infls_code_rom_start;Mem_43_INFLS_ACEraseRomEnd = __acmem_43_infls_code_rom_end;Mem_43_INFLS_ACEraseSize = ((__acmem_43_infls_code_rom_end - __acmem_43_infls_code_rom_start)+3) / 4; /* Copy 4 bytes at a time*/Mem_43_INFLS_ACWriteRomStart = __acmem_43_infls_code_rom_start;Mem_43_INFLS_ACWriteRomEnd = __acmem_43_infls_code_rom_end;Mem_43_INFLS_ACWriteSize = ((__acmem_43_infls_code_rom_end - __acmem_43_infls_code_rom_start)+3) / 4; /* Copy 4 bytes at a time*/_MEM_43_INFLS_ERASE_FUNC_ADDRESS_ = __acmem_43_infls_code_ram_start;_MEM_43_INFLS_WRITE_FUNC_ADDRESS_ = __acmem_43_infls_code_ram_start;__ENTRY_VTABLE = __INIT_INTERRUPT_START;__CORE0_VTOR = __INIT_INTERRUPT_START;__CORE1_VTOR = __INIT_INTERRUPT_START;__CORE2_VTOR = __INIT_INTERRUPT_START;__INDEX_COPY_CORE2 = 3; /* This symbol is used to initialize data of ITCM/DTCM for CORE2 */ASSERT(__standby_ram_end__ <= __STANDBY_RAM_LIMIT_END, "Memory for standby ram overflow")}
I would like to understand this comment in this file "* 0x20428000 0x20443FFF 114688 SRAM_1 Actually only initialize 112 kB instead of 160 kB in RM, 48kB is blocked by fimrware", why it is blocked? How can I unlock it to use?
I changed the memory regions for this:
int_pflash : ORIGIN = 0x00400000, LENGTH = 0x001D4000 /* 4096KB - 176KB (sBAF + HSE)*/
int_dflash : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0x00020000 /* 128KB */
int_itcm : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00010000 /* 64KB */
int_dtcm : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x0001F000 /* 124KB */
int_stack_dtcm : ORIGIN = 0x2001F000, LENGTH = 0x00001000 /* 4KB */
int_sram : ORIGIN = 0x20400000, LENGTH = 0x0003BA00 /* 184KB, needs to include int_sram_fls_rsv */
int_sram_fls_rsv : ORIGIN = 0x2043BA00, LENGTH = 0x00000100
int_sram_no_cacheable : ORIGIN = 0x2043BB00, LENGTH = 0x0000FF00 /* 64KB, needs to include int_sram_results */
int_sram_results : ORIGIN = 0x2044BA00, LENGTH = 0x00000100
int_sram_shareable : ORIGIN = 0x2044BB00, LENGTH = 0x00004000 /* 16KB */
ram_rsvd2 : ORIGIN = 0x2044FB00, LENGTH = 0 /* End of SRAM */
Is it correct? With this change, I'm not facing error with RAM size overflow.
I was checking it with the available documentation. I see no reason for any FW from NXP to be occupying the SRAM1 part.
So according to the reference manual it is OK to use full SRAM1.
I do not have explanation why such is applied in liker file nor purpose of it.
Best regards,