S32K148EVB Is it possible to use the dev board with all 3 CAN busses? Would it need modifying?

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S32K148EVB Is it possible to use the dev board with all 3 CAN busses? Would it need modifying?

Contributor V

Hi all,

I am using the S32K148EVB dev kit and am needing more than 1 CAN bus. I know the S32K148 has the capacity to use 3 but I am unsure if this is possible on the kit I have? 

I am assuming I would need to add new CAN transceivers but unsure how I would do that to the board.

Also what is the CAN Timestamp output? When measuring difference between a message received twice running a 5ms the time stamp shows a difference of 2500 so each Timestamp value is 2us?

Thanks for the help!

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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


yes, you would need to add another CAN transceivers. You need to find pins with CAN RX/TX functionality on EVB headers and connect transceiver to them. Assume GND and VDD will be connected too to power transceiver.

By default (CTRL2[TIMER_SRC] =0), the free running timer is incremented by the CAN bit clock,
which defines the baud rate on the CAN bus. During a message transmission/reception, it increments by one for each bit that is received or transmitted. When there is no message on the bus, it counts using the previously programmed baud rate.

BR, Petr


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Contributor V

Hi @PetrS 

Do you of any CAN transceivers that will work out of the box with the CAN Simulink blocks? I noticed that the CAN chip on the S32K148EVB that I have is not released? 


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I can recommend to discuss MATLAB/Simulink related question on MBDT community space; https://community.nxp.com/t5/NXP-Model-Based-Design-Tools/bd-p/mbdt
That you already did, as I saw.

I think that simple CAN transceiver like (TJA1057, TJA1044 etc) have just single control pin putting it to Normal or Standby/Silent mode. So connecting this pin to GND, transceiver is always active, so expect it will work out of box as you wrote. Or the control could be very simple.
CAN transceivers or SBC parts having SPI interface (TJA1145, UJA1132, UJA1169 etc) requires configuration over SPI, thus some advance driver is needed. Not sure if this is covered by Simulink blocks, check MBDT community as I mentioned.


BR, Petr

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