Hello, I am using S32K144 EVB board and S32DS3.4 to develop a program to read data through the I2C.
But I2C example do not work after adding RTOS as below.
IDE Version : S32DS3.4
Example : lpi2c_master_s32k144 + RTOS
Target : S32K144 EVB
The other thing is below wornning occurred when I start debugging.
Warning 17927. Target MCU mismatch. Download performance limited. See http://www.pemicro.com/opensda/pe_tools.cfm for information on debugging external processors.
Target has been RESET and is active.
CMD>CM C:\NXP\S32DS.3.4\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne.expansion_5.1.0.202109011413\win32\gdi\P&E\supportFiles_ARM\NXP\S32K1xx\freescale_s32k144f512m15_pflash_dflash_eeprom.arp
Hi @cheoljin,
It could be a fault exception.
Please follow these instruction to find the fault instruction and the fault memory address in case of a bus fault.
I am a bit confused due to that your attached project does not use FreeRTOS. It does not start a FreeRTOS scheduler at all. If you think it is a priority issue try to give it a logical lower priority (numerical higher). You can use functions of the interrupt manager driver from NXP for that.
at which code section exactly does your code crash? Please, go step by step through your code in Debug Mode.
Best regards,