Hi their,
I am using CAN0 in S32K144 and using Rx FiFo mechanism in that via Interrupts.
My configurations are:
1) Format A Filter table and 8 Rx Filter elements
2) CAN0 at 500kbps, Rx Fifo enabled and via interrupts
And in the main() i have written this code:
// RX FIFO Filter table structure
const Flexcan_Ip_IdTableType GB_FlexCAN_IdFilterTable[8] = {
.isRemoteFrame = FALSE,
.isExtendedFrame = FALSE,
.id = 0x320
.isRemoteFrame = FALSE,
.isExtendedFrame = FALSE,
.id = 0x330
.isRemoteFrame = FALSE,
.isExtendedFrame = FALSE,
.id = 0x340
.isRemoteFrame = FALSE,
.isExtendedFrame = FALSE,
.id = 0x350
.isRemoteFrame = FALSE,
.isExtendedFrame = FALSE,
.id = 0x360
.isRemoteFrame = FALSE,
.isExtendedFrame = FALSE,
.id = 0x370
.isRemoteFrame = FALSE,
.isExtendedFrame = FALSE,
.id = 0x380
.isRemoteFrame = FALSE,
.isExtendedFrame = FALSE,
.id = 0x390
int main(void)
Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Api_Status;
/* Write your code here */
while ( CLOCK_IP_PLL_LOCKED != Clock_Ip_GetPllStatus() )
/* Busy wait until the System PLL is locked */
IntCtrl_Ip_InstallHandler(CAN0_ORed_0_15_MB_IRQn, CAN0_ORED_0_15_MB_IRQHandler, NULL_PTR);
/* Initialize all pins using the Port driver */
/* Initilisize FlexCAN Module according to FlexCAN_Config0 data structure */
FlexCAN_Ip_Init(INST_FLEXCAN_0, &FlexCAN_State0, &FlexCAN_Config0);
/* Configure the RxFIFO with corresponding ID filter table acceptance format and acceptance message ID's*/
FlexCAN_Api_Status = FlexCAN_Ip_ConfigRxFifo_Privileged(INST_FLEXCAN_0, FLEXCAN_RX_FIFO_ID_FORMAT_A, &GB_FlexCAN_IdFilterTable);
/* Start the FlexCAN Module */
FlexCAN_Api_Status = FlexCAN_Ip_SetStartMode(INST_FLEXCAN_0);
/* RxFiFo in non-blocking method*/
FlexCAN_Api_Status = FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifo(INST_FLEXCAN_0, &GB_FlexCAN_Receive_Data);
/* RxFiFo in non-blocking method*/
FlexCAN_Api_Status = FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifo(INST_FLEXCAN_0, &GB_FlexCAN_Receive_Data);
return 0;
/* END main */
** @}
Now my question and issue is that under the infinite for loop, i have written FlexCAN_Api_Status = FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifo(INST_FLEXCAN_0, &GB_FlexCAN_Receive_Data);. It works fine and my Interrupt is working fine.
But if i remove this API from for loop and put it above for loop and in for loop its just delay like this:
/* RxFiFo in non-blocking method*/
FlexCAN_Api_Status = FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifo(INST_FLEXCAN_0, &GB_FlexCAN_Receive_Data);
Then my interrupt is not generated regularly. It only generates for first time and once it enters in for loop then if i send CAN data my Rx FiFo interrupt is not generated for the message ID that are configured in filter table.
So why is this happening? As if I am using interrupt it should trigger interrupt in infinite loop if any CAN received data comes in. Do we have to call FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifo() API everytime to receive data? If that is the case, isnt that wrong because if i have to call API to receive data everytime then its fundamental usecase would not happen.
Let me know if i am missing something and what should be workaround. My ask is simple that i want to receice CAN data via Rx FiFo in interrupt data if any new can data of configured message id comes, even if code is in infinite loop
Please refer to this post and also you can find demo in this articles.
Thanks, problem solved.