Hi I'm trying to configure ADC driver using SDK RTM v4.0.1
and I'm using ADC, PDB Driver.
1. ADC is OK
- 1ms_Loop Operation :
ADC_DRV_GetChanResult(INST_ADC_CONFIG_1, 0U, (uint16_t *)&adcRawValue0);
2. ADC is fail
- 1ms_Loop Operation :
- 5ms_Loop Operation :
ADC_DRV_GetChanResult(INST_ADC_CONFIG_1, 0U, (uint16_t *)&adcRawValue0);
I can't understand why one is OK but Another is not.
Hello Jongchan,
Sorry for the delay, I'm out of office and I will be back on Jan, 4th.
Have you tried using a higher ADC interrupt priority?
Is the ADC interrupt pending? You can see it in the NVIC registers.
BR, Daniel
Can I request another problem?
I resolved input capture interrupt. That's because the ftm_state_t variable declared as local variable.
I changed variable to global variable.
But, I have another problem.
Attached project doesn't work ADC peripheral.
if Input capture interrupt is ever generated, ADC Complete interrupt would not work, and API ADC_DRV_GetChanResult would not work.
I can't understand why this project ADC doesn't work.
Could you explain why? and Could I ask you to send project that works well?
Best regards, Jongchan
If you can review my project, I want you to review final project.
I wanna use peripheral ADC, TRGMUX, PDB, PWM(FTM), Input Capture(FTM), Timer, CAN, UART.
But I have a proplem at Input Capture Interrupt.
So I was looking for the reason program was not able to quit FTM1_Ch0_7_IRQHandler Interrupt loop.
first, C2SC_CHF is not clear. That is why program stay to FTM1_Ch0_7_IRQHandler Interrupt loop.
In reference manual, C2SC_CHF is clear by reading CnSC register while CHF is set.
but, variable ftmStatePtr[1].ftmMode value is 50. I think this is API or my configuraion error.
I'm attaching my project and waiting for yout reply.
Best regards, Jongchan
Can you please share a test project with this issue so that we can test it?
BR, Daniel