Hello, i have S32K144 development Kit for bldc motor control.At the beginning the board functioned without any problems, I could manually control the motor (With buttons sw1 accelerate, sw2 decelerate). I wanted to test the board with "Hello Code" and then came the error message "no board detected on any of speciefied UART Communication" in Freemaster. Can you please help me to reset the board or to return to the start, so I could manually control the board again. Thank you very much
Hi Abdel,
Seems that you are test the MCSPTE1AK144_BLDC_6Step demo.(C:\NXP\MC_DevKits\MCSPTE1AK144\sw\MCSPTE1AK144_BLDC_6Step)
If you have download the MCSPTE1AK144 APPLICATION SW on "Get Started with the MCSPTE1AK144". Then please try to flash MCSPTE1AK144_BLDC_6Step demo in S32 Design Studio (S32DS) for ARM 2.2 again.
Best Regards,
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Hi Robin,
many thanks for your response.
I performed the flash but unfortunately the LED on the board is still red and the LED in front of the Hall Encoder Interface flashes constantly. Can you help me please? Thank you in advance
Report after Flash:
Connection from "" via Connection from port "51304" to 6224
Connection from "" via Connection from port "51308" to 7224
Telnet server running on
Searching for FreeRTOS Kernel Symbols...
rsp_qC - qSymbol: 707843757272656E74544342
pxCurrentTCB not found. FreeRTOS analysis not enabled.
Copyright 2018 P&E Microcomputer Systems,Inc.
Command Line :C:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v2.2\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_4.4.6.201912192052\win32\pegdbserver_console -device=NXP_S32K1xx_S32K144F512M150N77P -startserver -singlesession -serverport=7224 -gdbmiport=6224 -interface=OPENSDA -speed=4
OpenSDA detected - Flash Version 1.19
Target has been RESET and is active.
CMD>CM C:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v2.2\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_4.4.6.201912192052\win32\gdi\P&E\supportFiles_ARM\NXP\S32K1xx\freescale_s32k144f512m150N77P_all.arp
;version 1.05, 12/03/2019, Copyright 2019 P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. www.pemicro.com [s32k144f512m15_x_pflash_dflash_eeprom_rev1]
;device freescale, s32k144f512m150N77P, all
;begin_cs device=$00000000, length=$14001000, ram=$20000000
Loading programming algorithm ...
Programming sequency is : erase, blank check, program, and verify {default}
Verifying object file CRC-16 to device ranges ...
block 00000000-0000B9AB ...
Checksum Verification Successful. (Cumulative CRC-16=$9A43)
Application verified in memory. No need to reprogram.
Target has been RESET and is active.
No breakpoints currently set.
Disconnected from "" via Disconnection by port "51304" from 6224
Disconnected from "" via Disconnection by port "51308" from 7224
Target Disconnected.
best regards
"If the LED on the board is still red". Do you mean the D1 on S32K144EVB?
If so, the reset signal of MCU may be low(You can measure it by using oscilloscope). Which mean the project may not run at all.
After flash MCSPTE1AK144_BLDC_6Step demo to S32K144EVB, the D1 LED does not light.
Step 2 Program Base Board
And I am able to connect it in FreeMaster.
I don't have DEVKIT MOTORGD board, so just power S32K144EVB by OpenSDA J7.
Due to the definition of J107 is different, please check the SCH version of S32K144EVB. So that you can "make sure base board is configured to be powered externally".
You don't need external debugger.
If you are following the "Get Started with the MCSPTE1AK144", the step "3.6 Connect the USB Cable" and "4.2 Debug and Load" shows it will use on board PEMicro OpenSDA debugging.
Would you please let me know which project did you load at the beginning? (board functioned without any problems)
The "4.1 Select Application and MCU Programing" of "Get Started with the MCSPTE1AK144" load MCSPTE1AK144_PMSM_FOC_2Sh. In order to achieve the previous function, you may load this project again. (C:\NXP\MC_DevKits\MCSPTE1AK144\sw\MCSPTE1AK144_PMSM_FOC_2Sh)
Hi, thank you for your answer. I loaded this "MCSPTE1AK144_BLDC_6Step" then this "MCSPTE1AK144_PMSM_FOC_2Sh". But it didn t work. I I have now another problem. when I connect the motor board, the light on the power supply unit is blinking.
ist it defect now? Thank you in advance.
Please download the documents of DEVKIT-MOTORGD.
Do you mean the LED_OK D2 blink?
Please check the voltage of below point:
Hi Robin,
i mean D2 LED. I think the mosfet (Q2) is defect, because it doesnt conduct. Which one do i need? Thank you in advance.
Best regards