Hello NXP Team,
I am using S32K148 LIN master example to blink a RGB LIN Slave NCV7430.
I have created a LDF for NCV7430 & generated lin cfg files in S32DS.
I am updating signal using api's of lin_cfg.h.
However I can observe the signal is not being updated on Canoe trace window.
I am uploading LDF file and generated lin (CFG) and main.c.
Please let me know what am I missing ?
Hi Dan,
Thanks for response It is resolved .I needed to do correct the clock setting for timer as I have 40MHZ external crystal on board.
However I am facing issue with blinking of RGB NCV7430.
I have sent 2 frames: 0x24 and 0x23 from LDF & however it is not blinking it.
I am uploading updated LDF created for NCV7430, main.c & generated lin cfg file, NCV7430 Datasheet,NCV7430 Demo code of arduino link
https://github.com/skpang/Teensy32_LIN-bus_NCV7430_RGB_demo .
I am transferring data as expected .I have set signal as per requirement in main.c but still it is not blinking the NCV7430 RGB led.
Do I need to send PID along with data byte frame of lin. Please let me know what am I missing here ?
Please change timer compare macro value and TIMER PRES macro value to this main.c according to last main.c file value.I have changed these two macro as I am running on different frequency and PREscale.
You can see diff I have just modified the LDF signal and those 2 macro value in main.c.
Thanks & Regards,
Devendra Mishra
Hi @imdevendra258 ,
I only can support you with issues regarding the LIN driver and can't support for debug the Demo code of arduino following your request.
Best regards,
Hi @imdevendra258 ,
Best regards,