In SW32K3_FreeRTOS_10_5_0_CD2_3_0_0_DS_updatesite_D2301_ReleaseNotes, specific versions of S32DS and S32K3 Development Package are required to install. But they are no longer available in the Software Download pages. Where can the following versions of packages be retrieved? Thanks.
- Make sure S32 Design Studio v3.5, S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform v.3.5 with S32K3 Service Pack:
+ S32DS: S32DS.3.5_b220726_win32.x86_64.exe and SP1 EAR3 (com.nxp.s32ds.update_3.5.2.20221215192840)
+ S32K3 development package: com.nxp.s32ds.sp1.s32k3xx.update_3.5.0.20221216123831
I checked your account, it seems you have access to the packages listed:
Could you please check again?
Best Regards,