I wanted to implement service for changing LC. The API for this service is not available in RTD S32K3_RTD_2_0_0_D2203_ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000_20220331. To implement this API can we modify crypto_hse.c file? I wanted to use Crypto_Hse_SendMsg API which is static so I can not use it outside the file.
I modified crypto_hse.c file for service hseCrypto_Hse_SetAttrSrv_t. but I am getting HSE_SRV_RSP_INVALID_PARAM as response.
Your help is highly appreciated. Thanks
Hi @shravani
The Lifecycle should be advanced using HSE_SECURE_LIFECYCLE_ATTR_ID (refer to HSE Service API Reference Manual for more details of hseAttrSecureLifecycle_t). For more details, refer to the HSE Demo Application or S32K3 MCUs for General Purpose HSE Demo Examples.
Hi @VaneB ,
I am referring the same example suggested by you. but I am using RTD based application. In the library files for RTD, code for advancing LC is not defined so I am editing crypto_hse.c file. but I am getting error as INVALID_PARAM.
Hi @shravani
I am afraid we do not support the modification to the RTD drivers and we do not guarantee the functionality of it. The information provided before is what we provide for this implementation.
Sorry for the inconvenience.