my application is based on S32K146 with RTD 1.0.1 HF, and it works well in most of the time including RUN mode and VLPS mode. However sometimes it could not work as usual until power on reset occurs.
Under normal conditions, the mcu works step by step as below:
1) work in RUN modes;
2)when the sleep condition is satisfied, deinit all the peripherals and init the Icu to prepare for waking mcu up from VLPS mode with PORT_RISING_EDGE;
3) enter vlps with Mcu_SetMode(McuModeSettingConf_VLPS) and wait for wake up resource;
4) Wake up by PORT_RISING_EDGE, and try to software reset
5) enter the bootloader and jump to app and then work in RUN mode(step 1)
all the loop steps are successed, but sometimes the app in RUN mode could not work as usual, but if cut the power off and then power on, the app could work well.
I think this problem probably is related to the difference of hardware reset and software reset, could you please help me to find out the root cause and solve the problem?
Thanks a lot!
Hi @KILLERzheng,
What does it mean the APP does not work as usual? Does it get stuck somewhere, or do you see a fault exception? Please be more specific.
There are some registers that are reset on Power-on reset only, e.g. CHIPCTL.