How to install an svc function to call a specific svc handler in for S32K148?
Please take a look at this thread:
How to make S32K146 M4 Core user mode and supervisor mode switching?
Or you can create a new project in S32 Design Studio for ARM version 2.2, by default, every empty S32K project contains a SVC call.
Hi Daniel
I tried to do the same, but it is not working. I have to implement system calls using the SVC handler. Using the SVC handler provided in the project, I am not able to extract the SVC number from the instruction "SVC 0". Can you advice on how to proceed?
Also I am facing the Device is secure, erase to unsecure issue with the S32K148 Eval board. It was working well and suddenly happened while using the PE micro debugger. I tried to erase memory but the board is not getting programmed. I did take a look at the following posts, but none of them worked: device is secure. erase to unsecure?, , Any workaround?
I figured it out. Thanks