We have developed the bootloader code for S32K116. We are facing issue in Boot to Application Jump. The control is going to default ISR. We tried several methods posted in the community threads. The Bootloader is not giving control to the Application and Program Counter is not updating with the Application address. Is there any specific syntax for the Application call in S32K116 for Bootloader? Kindly help regarding this.
I am having issue jumping to the App when using S32K116 in both S32DS+SDK3.0.0 and S32DS for S32 + SDK4.0.2
I am trying to use the same call as in AN12218 (that is working fine in my another project with S32K144) but it always fails - it jumps to correct address
but it always fails here: 0000e004: ldmia.w r5!, {}
and it ends at default handler and loops there
Thanks for any help,
Hello, I've found the problem - I was jumping to the vectors, not reset handler. Looks like call in AN12218 cannot be used for S32K116
Hi Deepak,
Could you try to jump to the application using this function and disable interrupts before the jump?
void startApplication(unsigned long app_link_location){
S32_SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t)(app_link_location); /*Relocate interrupt table ptr*/
asm(" ldr sp, [r0,#0]");
asm(" ldr pc, [r0,#4]");
I hope it helps you.
If it does not work, let me know.
Best regards,
The link to the thread "Boot loader and starting address of S32K" directs to an unauthorized or restricted page. Is it somewhere else?